Welcome to the Chateau de Beaumont Guestbook!
Herein are notes from visiting friends, some with links to visit or write to!

Thank you, Good Gentle, for visiting Chateau de Beaumont and for taking the time to sign our Guestbook. We welcome your visits while we are constructing our Virtual Chateau! Please visit the links scattered t roughout the Chateau for interesting bits of information on the SCA, Inc. [a Non-profit organization dedicated to Education], History, Art, Music and much more too numerous to list. We welcome new, interesting & informative links, so please feel free to l ave any you would like to see on our Site. But let me say this - and do heed what I say here - IF Someone is so inconsiderate as to put any PORN links in this Guestbook, I will report them & prosecute! I do not appreciate it in the least. This is a FAMILY website. Kindly consider this or risk prosecution. And again, Thank You!

Cynfyn ap Rhydderch MacCulloch - 09/24/00 03:01:04
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~harpersraid/harper.htm
My Email:cynfyn@kwasient.com
Member SCA?: Yes
Branch/Kingdom: Trimaris
Clan/Household Affiliations: Clan MacCulloch/House Harper's Raid
Member of Chateau de Beaumont: No
Would you like to be?: If it were allowed aye
Recommend a site: House Harper's Raid Site

You have a great site I hope to see it grow VIVAT!!!

Lady Gwendolyn of Aaron Isles - 03/28/00 15:26:32
My URL:http://mcoates.home.mindspring.com/front.htm
My Email:marjieflood@hotmail.com
Member SCA?: for over 15 years!
Branch/Kingdom: currently: Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia originally:Barony of the South Downs, Meridies
Clan/Household Affiliations: House Aaron Isles, soon to be married into House Gaping Maw
Member of Chateau de Beaumont: nope
Would you like to be?: no, thank you
Recommend a site: http://mcoates.home.mindspring.com/front.htm

You've done a wonderful job with this site and the Medieval Times. I'll be sure to add a link from our Household page to it.

Ulric Morgan - 03/02/00 02:32:14
My Email:ulric@wa.freei.net
Member SCA?: yes
Branch/Kingdom: Blatha-an-Oir
Clan/Household Affiliations: none


D'Gaunt - 01/20/00 11:07:28
My URL:http://www.omen.com.au/~hawkstwr
My Email:hawkstwr@omen.net.au
Member SCA?: Aye
Branch/Kingdom: Barony Aneala/ West
Clan/Household Affiliations: House Hawkstower
Member of Chateau de Beaumont: Nay
Would you like to be?: My thanks but I must decline,
Recommend a site: My site visit links :)

I randomed in from the ring and enjoyed the stay, may your shafts fly true and your purse always be full. D'Gaunt...

- 01/17/00 16:09:31
My Email:hansamccr@aol.com
Member SCA?: no
Branch/Kingdom: Scotland
Clan/Household Affiliations: Scot Caln


Corynne - 12/15/99 01:24:10
My Email:Corynne@telus.net
Member SCA?: yes
Branch/Kingdom: Lions Gate
Clan/Household Affiliations: Rogueshaven
Member of Chateau de Beaumont: no
Would you like to be?: no
Recommend a site: Reconstructing history

Cute site

Balina the Lost - 11/28/99 16:48:10
My Email:Cazbalina@aol.com
Member SCA?: Yup
Branch/Kingdom: Lost, remember?
Clan/Household Affiliations: Redstone
Member of Chateau de Beaumont: Not exactly

Hi, Nettie and Charles Found this Url on the Redstone homepage where I may SOMEDAY have a picture and a bio. Will see you at Ursalmas? Luv, Auntie Bali

Robyn - 08/13/99 07:36:26
My Email:Bearcave77@aol.com
Household/Clan Affiliations:: House Redstone
None of the Above:: ew to Atenveldt
Nettie, I'm trying like heck to get ahold of you. Have tried before but things dont send or it tells me your e-mail is invalid. I am having terrible 'puter troll troubles and I think a new one is in order soon. Write AASAP so I can be sure this gets to you Robyn

Lord Shonande & Juliana - 12/17/98 00:46:25
My Email:brechtjr@wans.net
Are you a member of Chateau de Beaumont?: nay
Household/Clan Affiliations:: mostly friendly
Branch/Kingdom:: An Tir
Wow! I hardly recognized you all with such an eloborate site! We only just got on-line so I thought I'd say hi. Hi!

Robyn - 12/11/98 20:45:49
Household/Clan Affiliations:: Redstone
Hi there honies, have you rec'd the message about the New Years Eve Party here???? Tis a pot luick and BYOB. Bring crash stuff as it twill be a sleepover for the safety and love of our friends Robyn

Lady Desiree De Beaumont - 10/08/98 18:41:07
My Email:DameFaucon@aol.com
Are you a member of Chateau de Beaumont?: oh yes
Would you like to be?: most certainly
Household/Clan Affiliations:: Dreamchaser of Atenveldt, De Beaumont
Branch/Kingdom:: Wandering An Tir Native
A wonderful brother I have in Charles! A a gracious sister in law!!

Duncan O'Duinn MacDragaard - 08/28/98 21:38:56
My Email:MacDragaard@webTV.net
Are you a member of Chateau de Beaumont?: Ney M'Lord
Would you like to be?: Tis a bit early don't ya think?
Household/Clan Affiliations:: Leader to the Clan MacDragaard, and to the house of GriffinsGate. though there not around here, also I camp with Inshalah, or the Grynmoors, well not yet, but I'm planning on it.
Branch/Kingdom:: In the Kindom of AnTir, and the Barony of AquaTerra, I am the acting Chirgeon to the Barony.
None of the Above:: I have been working on my Archery for the last 3 months. and just rated Bowman in the open class, and had allready attained archer (58.3) with my nasty English longbow.
Anything else we should know?: Next stop is to get warented as a Heavy, I like all types of weapons.
I realy enjoyed those Eggs this weekend,(SSUT) and am going to try may hand at making some. YIS ---)===========- Duncan >>>-------->

Robyn & Barry - 08/17/98 22:09:40
Hi there strangers!!! Long time no see!!! How the hell are you doing? We've been having 'puter probs again but back up and running!!! See ya later!! Robyn

PeterPan - 07/18/98 02:08:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/rickwarner
My Email:rwarner@actioninternet.net
Talin was right! You DO have a nice family. The wedding pictures look GREAT! Someday Talin and Deryk (after you let Deryk into your clan) may have me joining to defend. Keep me informed.

Rhiannon Kaileen of the Sheeroe (Robyn) - 07/13/98 01:02:14
My Email:bearcave77@aol.com
Household/Clan Affiliations: Redstones
Branch/Kingdom: An Tir
Hi there sweetie, so cute!!! I've never seen the pictures before...... . Robyn

Talin macLost deBeaumont - 07/10/98 14:00:18
My Email:deryktalin@aol.com
Are you a member of Chateau de Beaumont? most definitely
Branch/Kingdom: sojourning in Caid
Huzzah! Well done page! Looks great! Will get you the pictures as soon as I can, Moma. talk with you soon, love, Talin

Anna the Lost - 07/07/98 18:05:43
My Email:lostanna@compu-ad.net
Are you a member of Chateau de Beaumont? not exactly
Household/Clan Affiliations: The Lost one/MacLost head
Branch/Kingdom: Caid
Looks good, Kitten.Mama

Charles de Beaumont - 07/07/98 01:01:20
Is this working???

Charles de Beaumont - 07/07/98 00:59:25
My URL:That's Earl...No!
My Email:errantarcher@geocities.com
Are you a member of Chateau de Beaumont? Yes
Would you like to be? what?
Household/Clan Affiliations: None formally, a few informally
Branch/Kingdom: An Tir
Fine start, dear. Let the story be told!

Charles de Beaumont - 07/07/98 00:57:13
My URL:That's Earl...No!
My Email:errantarcher@geocities.com
Are you a member of Chateau de Beaumont? Yes
Would you like to be? what?
Household/Clan Affiliations: None formally, few informally
Branch/Kingdom: An Tir
Fine start, dear. Let the story be told!

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