Here are some real pictures (well, how real can pictures be?).

That's my girl and friend Marianne (aka Yanni B.). She is very smart, very funny, very warm-hearted, very sweet, very beautiful and very very lovely. And she is a lot more, too. I can't believe she's with me, but she is. She's Dutch and, up until now, also Brazilian, but her dad is from Indonesia, and according to him, she may still claim queenship or princess-ship in an African tribe because of some ancestor. We're not sure really sure whether we want to explore that option though, especially because we hope she actually belongs to some Chinese dynasty because of another ancestor. So then we could play the Chinese card. We're not sure yet. We're also not completely sure whether her Mom is not from a Jewish family. What we are sure of is that identities are fun to have, and that we would like to live in Italy some day. And in the States for some time. Essentially that's because we'd just like our kids to know that the world is round. - Marianne lives in the Netherlands (that's the countryside around Amsterdam, fellow Americans), and the only hassle there is is that I live in Potsdam and there's a seven hours train ride between us. But not really. These things don't count when you meet through the Internet. That's right, that's how we met. And we clicked instantly, so to say, online and offline.

Now, on to maself. Here's me in Potsdam: For those of you who wouldn't guess, I'm the guy in the foreground with the glasses.

Here's a picture with friends in front of my house. We were preparing the foundation of a club that's called Futur X - Gesellschaft fuer Generationengerechtigkeit. That translates to: "Futur X - Society for Generational Justice" ( The girl on the right side in the front row is my good friend Sandra. She and I are both presidents of Futur X. Left of me (seen from your viewpoint) is my, uhm, ex-girlfriend Ilka. She's still very special!!

Go to to see more of us.

I'm sorry you're not on any picture yet. There are several reasons for this, the most obvious being that I have very few pictures scanned at all. Chances are that I'll put you up here (if you can put up with it) in case we've had a picturesque relationship. Allright? Send me your picture anyway to