
Hi, my name is Blaine Barclay.
I teach Philosophy,Theory of Knowledge, and Religion, to Secondary School Students in Ontario, Canada. I am trying to develop a web site that will be of use to students and teachers of High School Philosophy (both IB and OAC), and the International Baccalaureate Theory of Knowledge course. I am only a beginner at web pages so please be patient. Email me at .
Please come back soon and visit me.

Links to other sites on the Web

An excellent Philosophy search tool.
The best philosophy site on the web.
An Introductory 'Metaphysics' class handout with links.
Intro Philosophical Anthropology handout (rough draft)
An Introductory Epistemology Handout I wrote for class.
Introductory Philosophy class handout.

Philosophy is like the art of navigation, in fact the root of the word 'sophia' points to the ship navigator who was so good at their task that they could find their way even on a starless night. Philosophy is about the desire to make sense out of this brief existence that we have been thrown into. It is also about making sense out of the discourse of others, whether they be the puppeteers of culture or the great philosophers of the past. We live in the midst of the labyrinth of language and experience, sometimes the plurality of voices calling for our alligance can be overwhelming. Philosophy can help us find our way. "Don't listen to me, listen to the logos." (Heraclitus)

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