University of Stellenbosch
ICP unit
Our Mission Statement
Our aim is the conformance to agreed customer requirements by ensuring the availability and integrity of the ICP for optimal, safe,  accurate and cost effective use in order to generate reliable results in accordance with the laid down quality standards while maintaining the unit in such a way as to  ensure  its short and long term health.
Quality with reference to the ICP will be defined as follows:
1. Results must be reliable and accurate.
2. The operation of the instrument must be in accordance with the laid down procedures by operators who were evaluated and found competent to operate the instrument.
3. Maintenance of the instrument must be done according to the requirements laid down by the supplier and maintenance records must be updated continuously.
4. Effective budget control.
5.  Safe operation of the unit

1. To ensure that the results are reliable and correct the analysis must be done according to the laid down procedures by a competent analyst. The standards used for calibration must have a certificate of approval, or must be tested against such standards.  When standards are made up it must be done according to the laid down procedures. Chemicals used in making up such standards must conform to the required quality requirements and must have a quality assurance certificate which will me filed in the Certification file.
2. The person operating the ICP must have passed the ICP competency based modular course in order to find him competent to perform analysis on the instrument. There will be a procedure for every analysis done on the instrument and it will be filed in the Methods file available in the ICP lab. Care must be taken not to perform any analysis which is not in the file. If a new analysis is needed, the procedure must first be tested to see if it conforms to the quality requirements and filed in the Methods file. Any analysis done on the ICP must be logged in the SAF Unit ICP Utilization and Maintenance logbook. Samples brought into the lab must be in a box with the identification label on. Such an identification label will be supplied by the SAF ICP Controller and a copy will also be pasted in the SAF Unit ICP Utilization and Maintenance logbook.  All the customers of the SAF ICP unit will be allocated a marked place to store their samples.
3. The maintenance of the instrument must be according to the requirements laid down by the supplier.  Only  technicians qualified in working on the ICP will be allowed to do maintenance work on the ICP.  Any maintenance done must be logged in the SAF Unit ICP Utilization and Maintenance logbook. Spares which are used in repairing the ICP must be in possession of the necessary quality assurance certificates which will be filed in the Certification file.  A standby supply of  all spares used on the ICP must be available in the Spares cabinet.
4. The purpose of effective budget control will be in order to collect monies from the departments for the usage of the ICP. Please note that due to circumstances the utilization prise have increased to R50.00 per hour.  It is crucial that continuous and correct logging of times which the ICP was utilized by each department or of which the ICP was utilized to the advantage of that department be kept. To insure this it is necessary to get permission through the SAF ICP Controller of any work done in the ICP lab in order to keep the SAF Unit ICP Utilization and Maintenance logbook up to date. The SAF06 Budget control book will be updated continuously in order to have the most recent financial data available.  The direct and indirect cost due to any damage to the ICP or equipment in the ICP lab due to negligence to work according to the right procedures will be the responsibility of the department to which the responsible person belong.
5. Safety is of utmost importance because the ICP can be a lethal instrument if operated incorrectly. The safety aspects concerning the operation of the ICP is covered in the ICP competency based modular course and the passing of this course is a prerequisite in being certified as a competent ICP operator.

Scheduling for utilization of ICP
In order to ensure that each client of the SAF ICP unit receives the best service it is necessary to plan and coordinate the usage of the instrument in a fair and reasonable manner.
Clients who book in advance will receive priority over those who have not booked.
Booking of the ICP can be done by filling in the time and name in the correct block on the Scheduling Year Planner provided on the notice board.
It is reasonable to expect that in some cases it may happen that an emergency would make it necessary to prioritize some clients needs above those of others if the circumstances are of such a nature. This can only be done in consultation with the ICP Coordinator.

Effective planning will ensure that all users of the ICP be given a fair chance to utilize this facility.

Let’s make this a Team effort for the benefit of all.
Webmaster Louis J Saayman