Selected Publications by Vladimir V. Saveliev

Conferences and preprints

  1. V.A. Arbuzov, E.A. Kuznetsov, N.N. Noskov, A.G. Poleshchuk, V.V. Savelyev, V.A. Fedorov, About Parametric Excitation of Surface Waves in Liquid, preprint IA&E SB AS USSR, No 57, 14 p., Novosibirsk, 1977
  2. A.A. Predtechenskii, V.V. Savelyev, Multi-channel System for Signal Analysis, XIX pan-USSR School for Automation of Scientific Research, 1985
  3. V.I. Belinicher, E.V. Lubivy, V.S. L'vov, V.V. Savelyev, E.G. Shapiro, Numerical Simulation of Thermodynamic Equilibrium State of Perfect Liquid, preprint IA&E SB AS USSR, No 366, 26 p., Novosibirsk, 1986
  4. V.E. Butt, B.N. Pankov, V.V. Savelyev, P.E. Tverdokhleb, Associative Memory with Optical Input, Proc. Pan-USSR conference for Problems of Optical Memory, p. 60, Moscow, 1990
  5. V.V. Saveljev, P.E. Tverdokhleb, A.V. Trubetskoi, and Yu.A. Shchepetkin, Laser System for Real-time Visualization of Three-Dimensional Objects, Proc. SPIE (Optical Information Science and Technology (OIST97): Optical Memory and Neural Networks), v. 3402, pp. 222-224, 1998
  6. E.F. Pen, V.V. Saveljev, Multi-image stereograms in 3D visualization, Proc. SPIE (ICONO '98: Nonlinear Optical Phenomena and Coherent Optics in Information Technologies), v. 3733, pp. 459-464, Moscow, 1999
  7. J.-Y. Son, V.I. Bobrinev, V.V. Saveljev, V.P. Gushin, J.-E. Bahn, D.-H. Kang, An 8-View Display System for 3D Game Console, Proc. 21st International Display Research Conference in conjunction with the 8th International Display Workshops (Asia Display / IDW'01), pp. 1361-1364, Nagoya, Japan, 2001
  8. S.-S. Kim, K.-H. Sohn, V.V. Savaljev, E.F. Pen, J.-Y. Son, J.-H. Chun, Optical Design and Analysis for Super Multiview Three-dimensional Imaging System, Proc. SPIE (Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VIII), v. 4297, pp. 222-226, San Jose, USA, 2001
  9. J.-Y. Son, V. V. Saveljev, Y.-J. Choi, S.-S. Kim, Quality Quantification of Multi-View Three-Dimensional Image, Proc. 9th International Display Workshops (IDW'02), pp. 1225-1228, Hiroshima, Japan, 2002
  10. J.-Y. Son, V. Saveljev, Y.-J. Choi, S.-S. Kim, Full Parallax Images with a Diamond Shape Pixel Cell, Proc. SPIE (Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems X), v. 5006, pp. 58-64, Santa Clara, CA, USA, 2003
  11. J.-Y. Son, B. Javidi, V. Saveljev, Synthesizing 3D Images Based on Voxels, Proc. SPIE (Optical Information Systems) (plenary speech), v. 5202, pp. 1-11, San Diego, CA, USA, 2003
  12. J.-Y. Son, V. Saveljev, S.-H. Shin, Y.-J. Choi, J.-E. Bahn, S.-S. Kim, Viewing Zones in Autostereoscopic Imaging Systems Based on Lenticular, Parallax Barrier and IP Plates, Proc. SPIE (19th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO): Optics for the Quality of Life), v. 4829, pp. 241-242, 2003
  13. J.-Y. Son, V. Saveljev, K.-T. Kim, B. Javidi, Pixel Cells with arbitrary vertex angles, Proc. SPIE (Optical Information Systems II), v. 5557, pp. 79-90, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2004
  14. J.-Y. Son, V. Saveljev, K.-T. Kim, S.-S. Kim, Minimizing Moire Fringes in Contact- Type 3 Dimensional Imaging Systems, Proc. 17th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Laser & Electro-Optics Society (LEOS'2004), pp. 350-351, 2004
  15. V. Saveljev, J.-Y. Son, K.-H. Cha, Estimation of image quality in autostereoscopic display, Proc. SPIE (Optical Information Systems III) (invited paper), v. 5908, pp. 590807-1 ~ 13, San Diego, CA, USA, 2005
  16. V. Saveljev, J.-Y. Son, K.-H. Cha, S.-K. Kim, M.-C. Park, S.-H. Jang, Stereo-Photography with Hand Phone, Proc. SPIE (Three-Dimensional TV, Video, and Display V) (keynote paper), v. 6392, pp. 639205-1 ~ 9, 2006
  17. J.-Y. Son, V. V. Saveljev, S.-H. Kim, K.-H. Cha, Viewing Zones in Non-Integer Type Pixel Cells, Proc. 14th International Display Research Workshops (IDW'07), pp. 2259 - 2262, Sapporo, Japan, 2007

Journals and the book

  1. F.A. Zhuravel', Z.B. Kruglyak, S.N. Lukashchuk, V.S. L'vov, A.A. Predtechenskii, V.V. Savelyev, V.B. Cherepanov, A.I. Chernykh, A.V. Shafarenko, The computer in Physics Laboratory, Avtometriya (Optoelectronics, Instrumentation, and Data Processing), No 4, pp. 52-58, 1984
  2. G.I. Gromilin, I.M. Kaganskii, Z.B. Kruglyak, V.I. Litvintsev, V.S. L'vov, Yu. E. Nesterikhin, A.A. Predtechenskii, V.V. Savelyev, Education in CAMAC class, Avtometriya (Optoelectronics, Instrumentation, and Data Processing), No 4, pp. 59-62, 1984
  3. F.A. Zhuravel', Z.B. Kruglyak, V.V. Savelyev, A.V. Shafarenko, Computer Complex Electronica-60 and ES, Avtometriya (Optoelectronics, Instrumentation, and Data Processing), No 5, pp. 102-104, 1984
  4. A.V. Rodishevskii, V.V. Savel'ev, V.B. Cherepanov, Threshold of Parametric Excitation of Waves on a Fluid Surface, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics (PMTF), No 4, pp. 61-67, 1988
  5. S.-S. Kim, K.-H. Sohn, V. Savaljev, E. F. Pen, J.-Y. Son, J.-H. Chun, A Full Parallax Three-Dimensional Imaging System Based on a Point Light Source Array, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v. 40, part 1, No 8, pp. 4913-4915, 2001
  6. S.-S. Kim, K.-H. Sohn, V.V. Saveljev, J.-Y. Son, Printed 3D Multi-view Images, Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, v. 5, No 1, pp. 29-31, 2001
  7. J.-Y. Son, V. Saveljev, Y.-J. Choi, J.-E. Bahn, S.-K. Kim, H.-H. Choi, Parameters for designing autostereoscopic imaging systems based on lenticular, parallax barrier, and integral photography plates, Optical Engineering, v. 42, No 11, pp. 3326-3333, 2003
  8. A.Yu. Belikov, V.V. Saveljev, P.E. Tverdokhleb, Computer simulation of processes of light beam propagation in a gradient index media (optical fiber), ch. 10 in 3D Laser Information Technologies, prof. P.E. Tverdokhleb, ed., ISBN 5-85957-026-0, pp. 480-538, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2003
  9. J.-Y. Son, V. Saveljev, J.-S. Kim, S.-S. Kim, B. Javidi, Viewing Zones in Three-Dimensional Imaging Systems Based on Lenticular, Parallax-barrier, and Microlens-array Plates, Applied Optics (journal cover), v. 43, No 26, pp. 4985-4992, 2004
  10. J.-Y. Son, V. Saveljev, B. Javidi, K.-D. Kwack, A Method of Building Pixel Cells with an Arbitrary Vertex Angle, Optical Engineering, v. 44, No 2, pp. 024003-1 ~ 6, 2005
  11. J.-Y. Son, V. Saveljev, S.-K. Kim, B. Javidi, Pixel Patterns for Voxels in Contact-type 3D Imaging systems, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v. 45, No 2A, pp. 798 - 803, 2006
  12. J.-Y. Son, V. Saveljev, S.-K. Kim, Characteristics of Pixel Arrangements in Various Rhombuses for Full-parallax Three-dimensional Image Generation, Applied Optics, v. 45, No 12, pp. 2689 - 2696, 2006
  13. J.-Y. Son, V. Saveljev, B. Javidi, D.-S. Kim, M.-C. Park, Pixel Patterns for Voxels in a Contact-Type 3 Dimensional Imaging System for Full-Parallax Image Display, Applied Optics, v. 45, No 18, pp. 4325 - 4333, 2006
  14. J.-Y. Son, V. V. Saveljev, D.-S. Kim, Y.-M. Kwon, S.-H. Kim, Three-dimensional imaging system based on a light-emitting diode array, Optical Engineering, v. 46, No 10, p. 103205, 2007
  15. J.-Y. Son, V. Saveljev, M.-C. Park, S.-H. Kim, Viewing Zones in PLS Based Multiview 3-D Imaging Systems, Journal of Display Technology, v. 4, No 1, pp. 109-114, 2008
  16. V. Saveljev, J.-Y. Son, J.-H. Chun, K.-D. Kwack, K.-H. Cha, About a moire-less condition for non-square grids, Journal of Display Technology, v. 4, No 3, pp. 332-339, 2008
  17. V. Saveljev, J.-Y. Son, S.-H. Kim, D.-S. Kim, M.-C. Park, Y.-C. Song, Image Mixing in Multiview Three-Dimensional Imaging Systems, Journal of Display Technology, v. 4, No 3, pp. 319-323, 2008

N.B. In his publications it is customary to spell the name as Vladimir Saveljev though it is sometimes mistakenly spelled as Vladmir, Savel'ev, Savelyev, Savaljev, etc.

Optoelectronics, Instrumentation, and Data Processing
Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics
Applied Optics
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Journal of Display Technology
Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
Optical Engineering

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Laser & Electro-Optics Society (LEOS)
Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
International Display Workshops (IDW)

Sergei Lukaschuk
Victor S. L'vov
Alexandre Rodishevski
Alex Shafarenko

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Created: February 4, 2009.
Last modified: February 10, 2009.