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Freemasonry in Israel |
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Freemasonry is the world's oldest universal fraternity, which believes in the brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of G-d. Freemasonry strives to achieve moral improvement, family values, civic betterment, freedom of thought, and tolerance. Freemasons around the world volunteer and contribute to medical research, hospitals, homes for the elderly, scholarships, and many other charitable causes.
Simply put, Freemasons believe that it is OK to be a good person, and that good persons should encourage each other to become better persons, and then, regardless of economic resources, work together benevolently to help in the community. Based on these strong foundations of morality and conscience, it is not surprising that Freemasonry is the world's largest philanthropic institution, seeking to provide relief for suffering humanity.
Freemasonry is a fraternity, absolutely not a secret society. As such, it is open for membership applications and has modes of recognition. Freemasonry is definitely not a religious cult or political group; Freemasons do never discuss religion or politics. Yet, membership strictly requires belief in G-d. Furthermore, Freemasons are expected to be model citizens, faithful followers of their respective religions, and loyal patriots of their respective countries.
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Deutsch IN KÜRZE |
Italiano IN BREVE |
Português RESUMO |
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Invitations | Lodge of the Holy Land #50 - International Membership |
Jerusalem Lodges Welcome Committee Announcement | |
Ashlars from King Solomon's Quarries, Jerusalem, Israel | |
Articles | Israeli Freemasonry - Leon Zeldis |
Jubilee of the GL of Israel (1953-2003) - Ephraim Fuchs | |
Jerusalem - Symbolic Cradle of Freemasonry - Leon Zeldis | |
King Solomon's Quarries - Israel J Herman | |
Masonic Blue - Leon Zeldis | |
Consecration of the GL - A Memory - Joseph EA Salem | |
Origins of the Supreme Council for Israel - Leon Zeldis | |
Royal Solomon Mother Lodge in Israel - Zoltan A Lazar | |
Some Sephardic Jews in Freemasonry - Leon Zeldis | |
Historic Freemasonry in the Middle East - Isaac Bar-Moshe | |
The Protocols - Anti-Masonry and Anti-Semitism - Leon Zeldis | |
Freemasonry and Religion - David Brownback | |
The Bible and Freemasonry - Cyril K Harris | |
The Iconography of the Tracing Boards - Leon Zeldis | |
What Is Kabbalah? - Errol D Feldman | |
Tree of Life of the Kabbalah and Morality - Daniel Farhey | |
The Ten Sefirot of the World of Atzilut - Errol D Feldman | |
The Symbolism of Stone - Leon Zeldis | |
Rituals - Seven Doors to Freemasonry - Norman D Peterson | |
Hiram in Jewish Tradition - Harold M Kamsler | |
England Around 1717 - Leon Zeldis | |
Freemasonry and World Peace - Joseph EA Salem | |
Freemasonry, Charity and Education - Leon Zeldis | |
Being Free - Dan Doron | |
Freedom without Violence in the 21st Century - Leon Zeldis | |
On Ethics and Morality - Arthur Mark | |
Projection of Masonic Values for the Society - Leon Zeldis | |
Whither the Morrow - Woolf Kantor | |
Sir Ernest Shackleton and Luis Pardo - Leon Zeldis | |
A Masonic View of the "Musical Offering" - Janos Cegledy | |
Pythagoras and Mystic Science - Daniel Farhey | |
Masonic Poems and Sayings | |
Did You Know? · Some Answers About Freemasonry · Ahiman Rezon - Hebrew Interpretation · Scottish Rite's Feast of Tishri - Hebrew New Year's Day · Traditional Masonic Wages - Half a Sheqel · Origin of the Fleur-de-Lis Motif · Bible Opening Pages · Some Judaic Aspects of Freemasonry - Yasha Beresiner · Hebrew Alphabet and How to Read Hebrew · Hebrew Alphabetical Numerals - For Counting · International Masonic Peace Prize - Leon Zeldis · Oldest Known Building Code of Law - Babylonia |
Research Study |
The Temples at Jerusalem - Philip EH Thomas Beginning: Joseph, Exodus, Ark, Wandering, Land, Unity, Jerusalem, Concept Temples: Temple1, Hiram, Dedication, Divided, Destr.1, Exile, Temple2, Destr.2 Appendices: Chronology, Biblical Ref., Egypt, Israel, Summary, Bibliography |
Audio | Masonic Music - On-line Interactive CD - Andreas Pflüger |
Gallery | Masonic Sights from Israel |
Masonic Sights Around the World | |
Masonic Art | |
Virtual Tour of Jerusalem, Israel | |
Masonic Stereograms | |
Español | Masonería en Israel - Página Principal en Español |
La Masonería en Israel - Presente y Futuro - León Zeldis | |
Jerusalén - Cuna Legendaria de la Masonería - León Zeldis | |
La Compañía de Londres - José Schlosser | |
Silencio, Discreción y Secreto Masónicos - Touvia Goldstein | |
Lewis - José Schlosser | |
Los Pergaminos del Mar Muerto - León Zeldis | |
Racionalización de la Simbología - José Schlosser | |
Ciencia, Conocimiento y Fe - León Zeldis | |
Quatuor Coronati - La Leyenda - José Schlosser | |
Los Protocolos - Antimasonería y Antisemitismo - León Zeldis | |
La Prensa, El Cuarto Poder - José Schlosser | |
Presencia y Evolución de la M. en el Siglo XXI - León Zeldis | |
El Hijo de la Viuda - José Schlosser | |
Los Guantes - León Zeldis | |
Las Doce Tribus de Israel - Touvia Goldstein | |
Árbol de Vida de la Kabbalah y Moralidad - Daniel Farhey | |
Hanukah - Fiesta de las Luminarias - Touvia Goldstein | |
Solsticio de Verano - Samuel Kaplan | |
Solsticios de Verano y de Invierno - Touvia Goldstein | |
Pitágoras - Santiago Richter | |
Libro - La Piedra Franca - José Schlosser 1. Escenario, 2. En el principio, 3. Produzcan las aguas, 4. Hagamos al hombre, 5. Templo, 6. Zoroastro, 7. Hijo de la Viuda, 8. Edad Media, 9. Cronología, 10. Imp. Romano, 11. Imp. Bizantino, 12. Iglesia, 13. Francos, 14. Feudalismo, 15. Monasticismo, 16. Ant. Corp., 17. Logias, 18. Constructor, 19. Q. Coronati, 20. Manuscrito, 21. Canteros, 22. Arq. Románica, 23. Piedra Franca, 24. Círculo, 25. Arq. Gótica, 26. Inglaterra, 27. R. Protestante, 28. Utopistas, 29. Esoterismo, 30. F. Bacon, 31. Inglaterra XVII, 32. Comp. de Londres, 33. Mas. Especulativa |
Libro - Preguntas y Respuestas - Touvia Goldstein Qué, Una, Regular, M, Metas, Libertad, Igual, Tolerancia, Preceptos, Antiguos, Origen, Franc, Espec., Inglaterra, Euro, Grados, Iniciación, Y, Secreto, Función, Símbolo, Y, Orígenes, Ritos, Logia, Regular, Palabra, Día, Tenidas, Jerarquía, Religión, Anti, Iglesia, Condenar, Sacerdotes, Política, Anti, Ingreso, Dejar, Hoy |
Libro - Cosmos e Inmortalidad - José Schlosser 1. Prólogo, Cosmos, Inmortalidad, Hawking, Computador, Plus, Genética 2. Orígenes, Unidad, Racionalización de la Simbología, Solsticio 3. El Rito Escocés, Libertad, Igualdad, Fraternidad, Cuadro Sinóptico 4. El Ritual, La Iniciación, Petición para los Subtítulos Siguientes 5. Vitam, Singularidad, Alábete, Actitud, Templo y Biblia, Vivencias |
Français | Invitation - Pierres du Carrières du Roi Salomon, Jérusalem |
La Grotte de Sédécias à Jérusalem - Roger S Nicolet | |
La Cité du Soleil de Campanella - Léon Zeldis | |
Tradition - Steve Kramkimel | |
Arbre de Vie de la Kabbalah et Moralité - Daniel Farhey | |
Loge Lumière #42 - Maurice V Campeas | |
Deutsch | Loge Müffelmann zur Treue #29 - Werner Ansorge |
Italiano | Albero di Vita della Kabbalah e Moralità - Daniel Farhey |
Communication | English Chat |
Time Zones of the World - Plan Your Chat | |
Chat Español | |
Links | Links on Freemasonry and/or Israel · Freemasonry & Israel - Multilingual · Freemasonry - Literature, Links, and Connections · Israel - Multilingual |
Web Site | WebRings |
Site Membership and Recognition |
Copyright © 1997-2009 Freemasonry in Israel. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, downloaded, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior permission in writing from the copyright proprietor.
This web site is NOT the official site, statement, or opinion of any Grand Lodge, Lodge, or individual. All contributions are voluntary and reflect only good intention and effort.
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