Wild Woman with the Unicorn, 15th Century
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Menage, G. (1984). The History of Women Philosophers. (Lanham, MD: University Press of America)
Henry, M. (1995). Prisoner of History. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press)
Ruether, R. (1983). Sexism and God-Talk: toward a feminist Theology. (Boston, MA: Beacon Press)
Armstrong, K. (1993). A History of God. (New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.)
McLeod, G. (1993). Christine de Pizan: Christine’s Vision. (New York, NY: Garland Publishing Co.)
Bilinkoff, J. (1989). The Avila of Saint Teresa. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press)
Gilson, E. (1968). Heloise and Abelard. (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press)
Gardiner, L. (1983). Can This Discipline Be Saved? Feminist Theory Challenges Mainstream Philosophy. (Wellesly, MA: Wellesley College Center for Research on Women)
Stone, M. (1976). When God Was a Woman. (New York & London: Harvest/HJB)
Waithe, Ellen, M. (1987). A history of women Philosophers, volume 1/ 600BC - 500 AD. (Dordrecht; Boston; Lancaster: Marinus Nijhoff Publishers)
Waithe, Ellen, M. (1989). A History of Women Philosophers, volume 2/500 -1600. (Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers)
Evasdaughter, E. (1989). A History of Women Philosophers, volume2/500-1600. (Dordecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers)
Wolfskeel, C. (1989). A History of Women Philosophers, volume 2/500-1600. (Dordescht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers)
Funk & Wagnall. (1994). "Biblical Archeology," "Alexandria, Egypt," "Hilda, Saint," "Saint Teresa of Avil,"(Microsoft ® Encarta: Microsoft corp.)
Laertius, D. (1942). The Lives of Eminent Philosophers. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press)
Bloedow, E. (1975). Aspasia and the Mystery of the Menexenos. (Wien: Bohlau N.F.)
Zedler, B. (1987). A History of women Philosophers, volume 1/600 BC-500AD. (Dordrecht; Boston; Lancaster: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers)