1998 July 1
Kalends of July
Weather MarkerIf July the first be rainy weather,
It will rain for four more weeks together.July 2
July 3
Dog Days BeginTraditionally the Dog Days mark the hottest part of the year. They are ruled by the Dog Star, Sirius.
July 4
American Independance DayJuly 5
July 6
July 7
The Consualia
Feriae AncillarumRoman festival of Consualia commemorates Consus--the God of Harvests. It is also Feriae Ancillarum--the Festival of Handmaids (the Maids Day Out). This day the maids of Rome were beyond the control of their mistresses.
July 8
July 9
July 10
Lady GodivaIt is said that the lovely lady rode through Coventry on this day.
July 11
July 12
July 14
July 15
The Ides of July
Olympic New YearJuly 16
July 17
July 18
July 19
AdoniaThe sacred drama of the wedding of Adonis and Aphrodite is celebrated.
July 20
July 21
July 22
July 23
Neptunalia and SalaciaThe celebration of the sea god, Neptune and his wife, Salacia. She is the goddess of wide open and salty sea. She also rules over the springs of mineralized waters.
July 24
July 25
FurrinaliaItalian celebration, similar to the one on July 23. Furrinalia was an ancient goddess of springs.
July 26
SleipnirSleipnir is the steed used to travel to other levels of consciousness. The Astrau festival is dedicated to Odin's 8-legged steed, which takes its rider to the three world.
July 27
July 28
Domhnach Chrom DubhIrish sacrificial god--he is connected with the festival of Lammas.
July 29
July 30
July 31
Lammas Eve
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