Enter the calm and quiet of my
journey into matters of Life, Light and Transformation.
Experience the serene and calming
of Life.
Walk with me along
the Trail
For the day is
I do not know
what trails you have followed,
or those you
walk tommorrow.
But today our
path is joined together.
Feel the Earth
beneath our feet,
Hear the Wind
above our heads,
See the Light
in all of Nature.
May we learn
from each other
As we walk together
for this day
of Day, 1998
Enter to experience a visual creation
to beginning Techniques and Links to more advanced experiences.
Links on various Native Nations.
Looking for Indian lore told by The Elders, to share with children.
Body & Soul...
Complete health and long life requires
health physically, mentally and spiritually. Links to Holistic, Spiritual
Spirituality is not Religion, it
is a personal experience and uniquely different for every individual.
Recovery is better named Growing.
Whether your overcoming a addiction or overcoming the ails of Life, you
are experiencing a journey. Enjoy some links to the endless
theory's and therapy's to enlighten your mind and Life. Free
consultation available.
My Children...
My thoughts, feelings and pictures...
Treat the Earth and all that dwell
thereon with respect. Remain close to the Great Spirit. Show great respect
for your fellow beings. Work together for the benefit of all Mankind. Give
assistance and kindness wherever needed. Do what you know to be right.
Look after the well being of mind and body. Dedicate a share of your efforts
to the greater good. Be truthful and honest at all times. Take full responsibility
for your actions.
Feeling, loving,
caring, giving, it?s the wind of my soul cascading, flowing, twirling,
rushing in, over, up, under, around, gaining momentum?.
It is joy, peace,
life, ecstasy?
Feeling, pain,
disillusionment, it strikes in my soul like a thunderbolt, immobilizing,
crippling, I cry out, agony?
It is transformed,
I grow, it becomes life?
Let the light
within me connect, grow, blossom, heal?let my light transform. Take
away my weaknesses that I may accomplish what I am meant to do?may love
and joy heal myself and others, may my pain and suffering transform to
the power of light?.
I feel, I love,
I am?just as the wind?
of Day, 1999
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