Welcome! Sinai Academy is a yeshiva high school for children from the former Soviet Union in a dire need of your support. Use the toolbar on the left to navigate. We hope you'll enjoy your stay!
06/18/99 |
Jewish Center at 2201 East 23 Street (corner of Ave V). 2. The Sinai gathering on Sunday's at 10:30am in the Agudas Isroel on ave. L and east 30th. This program is for anyone who went to Sinai or still is in Sinai and wants to meet with other Sinai alumni's and get a good breakfast at the same time. For more info you can call Rabbi Rosenfeld or e-mail him at Ocysr@aol.com 3. The learning program on Thursday's at 7:30pm in the shul on corner of ave. N and east 15th. This program is for all those people that are interesting in learning, but either don't have much time or a place where they would be comfortable coming to learn. For more info you can call Slavik Feldsteyn or e-mail him at SvFeld@aol.com 4. This program has just started. It's a program for students of Pace University who are interested in learning in Pace. As of now we don't have an official room so if you want to join you have to call Josh or e-mail Pesach |
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Last modified on 09/01/99 11:24:56 AM.
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