"If you knew the gift of God!"
Invited to share, by grace, in the intimate life of the Trinity.
Each of us was
created, loved into existence by God, for the express purpose of sharing His
life, of being "deified." Deification is the process of justification
and sanctification whereby we creatures come more and more to share in the life of the
Creator, so much so that we truly become "gods by participation."
In this web site
I hope to provide as much information as I can on this doctrine which is so
sublime, so orthodox and yet so little known among many in the Western Church.
Although the west has always known and held this doctrine it has been more
consistently emphasized in the Eastern Church. Perhaps westerners can use the
discovery of this doctrine as a chance to "breathe with both lungs"
eastern and western as the Holy Father exhorts us to.
I hope this page
can present a true and orthodox statement of the doctrine of deification which
can be an antidote to certain "new age" doctrines which may seem
similar. Whereas the new age seems to say "You are God" independent
of any supreme deity the orthodox doctrine teaches that the creature is always
such and that it is only by grace, by God's kindness and generosity in sharing
his life with us, that we "become god."
For a start I
will provide some quotes and links to articles on the subject of deification. I
hope to add much more material over time.
Adam of old was deceived:
wanting to be God he failed to be God.
God becomes man,
So He can make Adam god.
Doxastikon at the Praises, Feast of the Annunciation
O souls created for this and called to this,
what are you doing? What are your occupations?
St. John of the Cross
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