God is alive!
is the creator and the
sustainer of all things and all people, and He
continues to actively care for all of His creation. He is eternal
(without beginning or end), all-powerful,
and is fully
present in all places at all times, and He
will hear anyone who truly calls on His Name in prayer. And yet
Being utterly transcends our understanding. He has revealed Himself
as one
God, yet existing as three persons: the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We
can never hope to fully understand this. And while God is essentially
God of love, He is also a
Holy God. This means that He
cannot allow evil to remain in His presence, and that His righteous
nature requires Him to be just.
Since God
has the full range of emotions that you and I also have, when he sees
sin, evil and injustice in the world, it
makes Him angry. And while He
does not enjoy it (since
He is basically merciful), it is also His nature to punish sin.
We desperately needed Christ
to do this for us! Even
though man
and woman were
created in the image of God, they turned away from Him in a horrible
rebellion, trying
to become their own gods. Thus our first parents forever lost
their original moral purity, righteousness, and physical immortality, not
only for themselves, but for all their descendants as well. As a
result, we
are all born into this world spiritually "dead," separated from God
by a nature that is utterly selfish, and we ultimately choose to follow
only our own desires rather than God's. While we are all still capable
of doing truly good things, and we still exhibit traces of compassion,
and we are even still capable of self-sacrifice, these are mere remnants
of the original glory of mankind. At the inner-most core of our inborn
natures, we live only for ourselves, have little real compassion
for others, and often inflict the most cruel forms of hatred on those around
us. If left to ourselves, apart from God's sustaining grace, we would
have degenerated into the worst forms of evil long ago. Therefore
each of us richly deserves the spiritual death we have inherited, and unless
something is done to save us, we will each be punished with eternal separation
from God.
God commands you to believe this
Good News! You
cannot atone for your sins through your own good deeds, or by
keeping God's Law, and there
is not enough goodness in your soul to balance the evil, let alone overcome
it. You can never fully pay for your own sins, because no matter
how much you pay, sin remains in you, and you will continue to sin again.
Your only hope is if Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross counts
on your behalf. You
can only escape eternal punishment if His death paid for your
penalty. And you can only be clean in God's presence if His
Son's blood wipes your sins away. He is the eternal God in human
form, and only He is capable of paying what you owe. And the only
way His payment will count for you is if you believe -- that
is, if you trust Christ's death on the cross to wipe away your sins.
Then and only then will you truly experience God's forgiveness, mercy,
and grace in your life. Then
you will have eternal life!
If you are a believer, you are
also a new person! Everyone who believes is
"in Christ," and everyone
who is in Christ is part of His new creation! As a believer,
you have been "born again!" God has given you a new heart, and He
has written His laws upon it. It's not up to you to do these things
for yourself, because God has already accomplished them within your spirit,
and is continuing the work of improving your character. Sin still
dwells in you, and you are still capable of major moral lapses. There
may even be times when you seem to wander far from God and into sin, but
the new heart inside of you will keep pulling you back toward God.
God allows many things to happen in your life to help you mature spiritually,
even things that are unpleasant or traumatic, and yet you have no desire
to depart from Him. You are now one of God's children, you have the
nature of His family, and you can no longer give yourself over to a life
of sin because it goes against your very being. You are also forever
grateful, because you know that whatever happens to you, or whatever you
do, He will never desert you.
If you are a believer, you are
part of a wonderful family! The Bible calls
this family "the
church," or "Christ's body" -- and you are part of it! God has
given you spiritual brothers and sisters to help you along the way.
Each of these precious people has his or her own spiritual
gift and place in Christ's body for the purpose of strengthening
and encouraging you in your faith. And you have your own
spiritual gift as well, so that you can do the same for others. God
deliberately designed His church so
that we would need each other. A spiritual
unity exists between you and other believers, whether it's obvious
to you or not, and because of this God wants you to work
at keeping the peace with others in God's family. As a symbol
of membership in God's family, Jesus
commanded us to be Baptized. He also wants you to spend
regular time with your brothers and sisters, in order to actively share
with them the things you have in common because of Christ. Down throughout
history, Christians have met together on the
first day of the week. Jesus also commanded us to regularly share
in the observance of Communion,
or the Lord's Supper, an act of worship that reminds
us of what He did for us on the cross. We are also to make sure
we receive regular
instruction from the Bible from those who have the gift of teaching.
When we sin against our fellow Christians -- or anyone else, for that matter
-- we should promptly
make amends. When others sin against us, we should be ready to
it in love, and be equally ready
to forgive, because God readily forgives us. Sometimes a brother
or sister might sin in such a way that it requires us to confront
him or her about it, and if that person does not repent the
whole church will need to get involved. This is called "church
discipline," and we should beware of people
and churches that abuse it. But we
shouldn't neglect it, either, because the signs of a healthy local
church include the practice of church discipline when necessary, along
with Baptism, prayer,
the Lord's Supper, Bible teaching, and spiritual fellowship.
Jesus is coming again!
The first time He came to accomplish salvation for us on the cross.
The next time He comes it will be to complete our salvation, by resurrecting
us from the dead and bringing us into His eternal heavenly kingdom where
we will rejoice forever! But He will also come to judge both the
living and the dead. All those who rejected God will be resurrected
as well, but they will be sent into eternal punishment.
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REST ministries,
All Rights Reserved.
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