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Statement of Faith


  • We desperately needed Christ to do this for us!  Even though man and woman were created in the image of God, they turned away from Him in a horrible rebellion, trying to become their own gods.  Thus our first parents forever lost their original moral purity, righteousness, and physical immortality, not only for themselves, but for all their descendants as well.  As a result, we are all born into this world spiritually "dead," separated from God by a nature that is utterly selfish, and we ultimately choose to follow only our own desires rather than God's.  While we are all still capable of doing truly good things, and we still exhibit traces of compassion, and we are even still capable of self-sacrifice, these are mere remnants of the original glory of mankind.  At the inner-most core of our inborn natures, we live only for ourselves, have little real compassion for others, and often inflict the most cruel forms of hatred on those around us.  If left to ourselves, apart from God's sustaining grace, we would have degenerated into the worst forms of evil long ago.  Therefore each of us richly deserves the spiritual death we have inherited, and unless something is done to save us, we will each be punished with eternal separation from God.
  • If you are a believer, you are also a new person!  Everyone who believes is "in Christ," and everyone who is in Christ is part of His new creation!  As a believer, you have been "born again!"  God has given you a new heart, and He has written His laws upon it.  It's not up to you to do these things for yourself, because God has already accomplished them within your spirit, and is continuing the work of improving your character.  Sin still dwells in you, and you are still capable of major moral lapses.  There may even be times when you seem to wander far from God and into sin, but the new heart inside of you will keep pulling you back toward God.  God allows many things to happen in your life to help you mature spiritually, even things that are unpleasant or traumatic, and yet you have no desire to depart from Him.  You are now one of God's children, you have the nature of His family, and you can no longer give yourself over to a life of sin because it goes against your very being.  You are also forever grateful, because you know that whatever happens to you, or whatever you do, He will never desert you.
  • Jesus is coming again!  The first time He came to accomplish salvation for us on the cross.  The next time He comes it will be to complete our salvation, by resurrecting us from the dead and bringing us into His eternal heavenly kingdom where we will rejoice forever!  But He will also come to judge both the living and the dead.  All those who rejected God will be resurrected as well, but they will be sent into eternal punishment. 
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REST ministries,
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