Maureen Therese Fitzgerald
Welcome to my space
Maureen's Musings....
(It's where I work!)

Child Health Resources on the WEB

(my own links to sites related to Child Health Policy)

(What can I say; it's an addiction, buy and sell)

The Smithsonian Institution

Catholic World News

Everything you need to know, up to the minute. Sort of.

The Forum and Foibles of Nan

Check out my friend Nancy Garrett Brown's site, chock full of everything, including really, really, really good Southern Recipes.
Photo page - Family and friends, just a few there right now, but more definitely to come.

Yep, that's me at seventeen.  Everybody has to be seventeen once!
This is my son, Mark, the night they turned on the Christmas lights at the Central Park Mall, 2000. He is 14 years old in this picture. More photos on my picture page, linked above...