J. Brandon Barnes

Fiction Terry Scott Taylor


Welcome to my homepage. Here you'll find some of the things that capture my imagination, and the ways I express my thoughts and faith:

My Original Fiction

Creative Systems
My Christian Software

Terry Scott Taylor Archive

Fiction Updates - the latest installments in my on-line science fiction series.
Poetry - some of my favorite poems, from Blake, Donne, Tennyson, and others.
Books - here's a list of books I've been reading lately.
Influences - the writers and musicians who have most influenced me, with links to resources on the web.
Discs - a nearly complete listing of my CD collection.
Essays - some of the essays and papers I have written.
Links - a few of the places I frequent.

Fred Sanders' Work
From "Systematic Theology" issue #3 by Fred Sanders.
My Influences Recent Reads Poetry CD Collection Links