<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.wcsarteam.com/CQ.wav">

N1KXR & KB1REF's Homepage

Greetings from N1KXR and KB1REF!

Our names are Richard H. Wheeler - N1KXR and Cathy M. Wheeler - KB1REF, we run a modest radio shack in the Florence section of Northampton, located in Western Massachusetts (FN32PH) [USA]. Rich is an Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator having been licensed since 1992, and Cathy obtaining her Technician Class license in 2008. From the first date on our licenses to this, we've enjoyed (and continue to enjoy) the many QSOs and friends we've made in the hobby.

When home, we operate the following radios: an Icom, IC-706MKIIG for working UHF/VHF/HF/6MTR, a Yaesu, FT-8800R for working VHF/UHF, and an Icom IC-28H with a West Mountain Radio RIGblaster for working packet.

When Rich is vehicle-mobile, he's operating these radios; The Icom, IC-2100H for VHF, an Alinco, DR-435 MKII for UHF, and a Realistic, HTX-10 for 10 meters. When Cathy is vehicle-mobile, she's operating an ICOM-8800 for UHF/VHF.

When we are pedestrian-mobile we both utilize the Yaesu FT-60R for UHF/VHF communications via local repeaters, as well as making good use of simplex frequencies.

Both Rich and Cathy are members in good standing of the the following organizations:
The ARRL [ American Radio Relay League ]; the HCRA [ Hampden County Radio Association ] ; the MTARA [ Mount Tom Amateur Repeater Association ] and Rich is a charter member of the KD1XP Repeater Group.

Some of the things Rich enjoys doing in, and with the Ham community include; Public service events (be it as a net control operator or a field operator), being a Volunteer Examiner (VE) for the ARRL/VEC, Field Day(s), Ham-Fests, SSTV-Net(s), SKYWARN (Spotter I.D. 06-046) and good ole’ rag-chewing.

To promote Amateur Radio, and to share some of his adventures outside of the shack, Rich can be seen is some of the videos he posts on his YouTube site. If you'd care to take a look, please click HERE.

With Solar Cycle 24 underway, Rich's newest project is the N1KXR/B Ten Meter Beacon. To read more about it, please click on this link.

In addition to the activities listed above, Rich owns and/or co-owns several Ham related e-mail groups in the New England [USA] area. Please feel free to visit, and to join any, or all of them!

- WesternMassAmateurRadio: The WMAR e-mail list is primarily for Amateur Radio Operators operating in the Western sections of Massachusetts (USA).

- NEARCOM: This group discusses all modes of Amateur Radio communications in, and across New England [USA].

- AR-BEACONS: AR-Beacons is a discussion group for owners and/or operators of Ten Meter Amateur Radio Beacon Stations located around the world. Topics will include, but are not limited to: transmitters, controllers, feed lines and antennas, power output and frequency used. Please share your stories and experiences in constructing and operating your beacon(s). Beacon hunters, along with beacon trackers, looking to share reports with the group and/or gather information to enhance their enjoyment of the hobby, are also welcome.

- Mass-VE: The Mass-VE group was formed to link all VEs certified to administer Amateur Radio exams in Massachusetts, as well as keeping VEs informed of events and exam schedules.

- RLX: The RLX e-mail list is for: (1) Amateur Radio emergency communications/Western MA SKYWARN activity and warnings. (2) Various Amateur Radio club(s)/independent group(s) information. (3) Discussion of the RLX Simplex net held Wednesdays at around 8:15 PM on 146.940/146.420 (4) Information on K1TTT's station and HF information.

Thanks for stopping by our little place on the web.
Please feel free to stop by again!


The URL for this page is http://www.geocities.com/n1kxr/index.html