THE U.S.of A.

The good old United States of America. It may take its fair share of knocks, but when push comes to shove, I am proud to be an American. The ideals upon which this country were founded are as valid today at they were almost 225 years ago. The practical application of those ideals may be different, but the sentiment remains the same.

While I agree that the US is by no means perfect, but I am thankful everyday for the rights and privileges that this country affords its citizens. And to those that sit back and do nothing but complain, berate, chastize, and don't vote or do so constructively are just malcontents.

I grew up with older relatives that truly loved this great country of ours with a passion that is rather rare this day and age. My mother was an immigrant to this country and her father fought for the US in WWII. Because those before us defended our liberties, we are able to reap the benefits today. And I am not some hick boy who would shoot anyone who even looked cross-eyed at an American flag. I just know that this country gives a hell of a lot to its citizens and just asks for patriotism (oh, taxes as well) in return. What I don't like seeing ist people who take the benefits adn privileges, but don't share the duty and resoponsibility. I don't believe that you have to go out and kill for your country everyday, nor do I mean to blindly follow the directions of our leaders. What I do mean is faith and standing up for our fellow man and doing so with the the pride and dignity becoming of one who is and American. That means giving s little something back or steppping up when your assistance is needed.

What makes this country great is that the individual has the ability to affect a change. This statement cannot be refutted. If someone wants to affect a change, it can and has been done countless times. Especially in this information age of ours, individuals can stand up and carry a lot of weight. Granted out judicial system is seriously flawed, we have archaic laws, and the rest of our legal system cam be a joke a great deal of the time, but all it needs is for someone to stand up and manke those changes.

Have we all become such a nations of victims that the benefits go to the complainers and not the "doers?" Is everyone the victim of a rough childhood and so stupid that we have to have warning sign about not putting wet fingers into wallsockets. Those types of victims detract from the true victims in society. I do not mean to trivialize the obstacles a person has had to deal with in life, it's just that people should overcome their obstacles and move on, not dwell on how difficult it was. Turn it into a positive. As a result, American is spiraling towards a society in which laziness and excusses are rewarded. In addition, the US allows a level of violence in our society that almost no other society on this earth would tolerate for one minute. People must start putting their foot down and start saying that they will not tolerate children toting guns to school and shooting teachers for not giving them a better grade, or other classmates for teasing them or refusing to date them.

I refuse to live in a society that has its citizens walking around timidly in order not to appear offensive or in fear of someone coming back at them with a gun for retribution. This country is far too great for that. Free speach is a right that our founding fathers have granted us, and it also contains the duty to be able to listen to and tolerate the free speach of others. And on that same note, no one appreciates it when another constantly flaunts their rights and privileges all the time. They are meant to be used sparingly and wisely.

Go abroad and live in other countries for a while. Try getting consistantly safe food, or good medical care, or even the ability to go almost anywhere and say almost anything. Then, you might appreciate all at this country stands for and blesses its citizens with. Think about that the next time you call 911 or have a sick child. Yes America is not perfect, and yes there may even be better systems out there, but just stop and think for a moment where you'd be without the ideals of our country and their products. I have firmly believe in three statements:1) that one never truly appreciates things in life until they think they almost lost it; 2) that things that are not earned go undervalued/underappreciated; and 3) that only get out what you put into something (i.e. have a vested interest in). Maybe we'd all be a little better off if we had to struggle a little more, cut I'd rather we came to that conclusion without too much toil. That energy would be much better spent improving our already great country.

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