Israel. The Holy Land. Why the three largest religions this world has ever seen would want to fight over a plot of sand and rocks in the middle east is beyond me. Even though I am a Jew, and the suppposed descendent of Golda Meir (first Prime Minister of the State of Israel), I just don't get it. Yes, Israel is a beautiful land full of riches that gold cannot compare to, but why all the strife. Israel (aka plalestine, Canaan, or the land of milk and honey) has been revaged countless time and constantly for, it seems like, forever. I cant't comprehend why the land cannot be shared. But, such is not the case and the Jews rightfullly won it in 1948 and have a right to control the land. They have made some concessions to the Arab world, but they need to do more. Israel should revel in its diversity and gathering place for a vast majority of the world's peoples. Imagine the sheer revenue Israel could generate from conferences and conventions that would be held in places like Jerusalem if it was a safe environment. Every religious nut and their mother (Jew, Christian, or Muslim) would want to go there. Rather than spending their time, energy, and resources fighting eachother, the Israelis and Palastinians should agree to disagree and bury the hatchet.

In the meantime, we are left with an incredibly historical region that is living under a constant threat. I hope that in my lifetime we can be witness to the day when we can explore and experience Israel for its true beauty and significance. Words of "us" and "they" have no place in such a mystical and fascinating place as the holy land. I love my Jewish heritage and for that reason cherish Israel as a homeland for my people , but that doesn't mean that it is exclusionary from being the homeland of other peoples. I do hope to someday make it Israel and visit Yad Vashem, the wailing wall, elat, the Dead Sea, SCUBA dive the Red Sea, and visit many other historical sites. I just hope that I can do it without wearing a gas-mask and a flak-jacket.

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