"Be gentile, I'm fragile"

New Dress - "Don't tell
Hades I maxed out the
credit card."

40's Potboiler movie..;)

Leuce with Puppy
- AWWWW!!!!

Andromeda and Perseus? - Hehe, "whow!" Hey Pal, could ya be a doll and get me off this rock?"

"If you're gonna play with your brother, do it right!"


"For the Fairest" or "How Eris started the Trojan War"

Pandora's Box -"Well !@$%**!"

Galatea holding her sister - "Menthe! you never looked better!"

Thristy?- Recognise that shirt?;)

Baby and Mom - Looks like Eris has a half brother;)

Underworld Superheroes!
The Brat Wonder!
Persephy as Lady Death
Hecate as Superman!

Casual moment - Persephy thiking and stuff;)

Hades and that little wench Menthe!;)

Spice 'Under' World- Nuff said;)

Persephone and Cupid - "Just keep flyin Diaper Boy!"

Daddy/Daughter moment - THATS MY GIRL!

Retro 80's - Everyone was in a band, but Hades Angels would have rocked! Hades makes a great agent!;D

Adonis- OOh baby;)

Aphrodite- Well looky here!
Brothers- HEY! It's the teenage brothers! Which doesn't beling?;)
Poor Persephone- My hubby eats worms, and the daqueris won't unfreeze..
Demeter- WOW!
A bit of a destraction..
Don't make us get Medieval on yer ass!
The NEW and improved Persephy!
Persephy- She's sure happy:)
Seph in the Spring
Hades Angels- A pic of my Persephy, Dromey, and Niggy! :)
Persephone- Isn't she pwetty ;)
Me and Persephy- Wonder who I'm yellin at
Persephy in her Underworld Garb- Man is she ever long!;)
Persephone Again!;)
Here she is again;)- Takes a while to load..;)
Cute!- "Ok! I admit it! I'm cute!"
DROMEY!!- "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.."
Dromey Drowning someone- "NEXT TIME YOU'LL REMEMBER... NO ANCHOVIES!!"
The Joys of Ducttape....
Who's this?- I dunno but she's nifty looking!
Same here?- She's cool too!
Niggy!- Niggy in her element! "HEY YOU! ARE YOU STEALING AGAIN!?
Persephone- "HEY! I ain't cute!!"
SSSMMMOOOOCCCHHHH!!!!- Who! Who put that one in here!!??
Hades Angels!
Angels 2- Will the insanity NEVER STOP!;D
Hades Little Helpers;)- I love this one
Megara- My wittle Nut-Meg
Persephone... AGAIN!!!;)
Pissed at the hubby;)
Ylla- Ohh... pwetty:)

Me, Niggy, and Flimsy!- Poor Flimsy;)
Hades Angels- Persephone, Dromey, Niggy, and the little kid is Eris! EEKKK!!
ME Just chilling with the boss
Persephone and Hades!- Drawn By Persephone, colored by Dromey!
Me and Eris