Pain and Panics Hiding Place

What is the world is this!?!? Is it just me Pain or did that bottomless pit we dug at the edge of the Styx make the boss even angrier....
I dunno Panic but I don't think he's gonna be very happy when he makes his way back up!
Don't you mean if??
If is---

STUFF!! While Hades is trying to make his way out of that pit, I'm in charge here, ALRIGHT!?!?!?! <sigh> Now, just sit down and let me tell the folks a little bit about you all ok????

...yes ma'am.....

Well, here's the dirt on Pain and Panic. In the movie Hercules, these two chuckleheads were his henchmen, and might I add... Their way of handling things left something to be desired! I mean, they had their funny moments but I think that's about all they had. They can't even kill a little baby! Hades should have met up with me before the movie. I wouldn't have let him down. Well, I guess they aren't entirely hopeless.. They at least took away his immortality..Hmm... I think I hear Hades hair crackling, he must almost be out of that hole. Let's take a little look at each of the two dunderheads seperately shall we...

The name says it all. This guy was pretty much a pain to poor Hades. He's fat, annoying and always screaming! Man is this guy loud!!

This guy has got to be on something! Never in my "afterlife" have I seen such a squirmish demon! He's like afraid of everything and anything! He's jumpy and quite the chicken of a demon. But I did find it funny when his horns got poked into Pain's behind. ;D


Well, that's just about it for these two clowns and I think I hear a sound.. Boys... Do you hear that? I think that's the sound of Hades' nostrils flaring and his hair crackling a little louder then usual... <hehe> I'm thinkin' maybe he'd like to have a word with ya... Whadda ya think?

Pain and Panic: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! <hides under a rock>

Don't tell him we're here!

Yea! He'll fry our butts for sure!!

Hehe, don't worry guys.... I won't tell on you.....

Back to the Underworld......