Chapter 9

Kurt recognized Daphne instantly.'You almost killed me!' he screamed.'No.You killed my best and only friend.' Daphne looked shocked and confused.'What?' she asked.'Why aren't you back at tartarus like Hades said you would be.' 'Is that all you heve to say?' croaked Kurt.Hot tears glinted through the mess of hair.'Niggy's dead.'

'WHAT?' shreiked Daphne.'What are you talking about?' 'Oh, you don't know.' fumed Kurt. 'Hades stupid one soul for another deal.' Daphne still misunderstood.Then it hit her. 'You mean i KILLED you?' she asked.She began to see spots and feel faint.She sat down on the grass.'I don't feel so great.' 'Yeah.' said Kurt scornfully. Daphne began to cry.'I thought it was just sleeping pills.' Her tears flowed freely.Kurt sensed something was amiss.

'I never meant to,' sobbed Daphne.Kurt sighed.'Yeah.Whatever.It doesn't matter anyway.Just take me to Tartarus.' He stared at the ground.He didn't like being looked at.Not even for a few seconds.He felt nervous and threatened in the presence of strangers.Especially a stranger that had almost killed him.'Come with me.' said Daphne.Kurt whimpered softly.He missed his friend terribly,and now he had to go back and face that big stiff Hades.

Niggy was in no 'HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY' mood either.In less than 24 hours she was going to be married to Hades.She cried softly,as if she were mourning herself. She heard voices outside her room.One she had never heard before,the other was warmly familiar.She shot out of her room like a bullet.She was overjoyed to see Kurt and a tall lady with red hair being rowed across the river Styx by Charon.Kurt waved,then put his finger on his lips.Niggy knew that he wasn't welcome by Hades so she kept her lips sealed. Charon docked and stretched out his hand.Daphne placed two coins in it.'Cheap aren't you?' she asked the skeleton. Kurt was nearly knocked to the ground by Niggy,who immediatly embraced her friend and clung to him with a death grip.Charon grinned a bony grin and left the trio standing on shore.'We gotta get you out of here.' said Kurt. Niggy's face fell.'I can't leave the underworld.I'm dead.' Kurt looked desperate.'But if you marry Hades you'll stay here FOREVER.' 'I don't want to marry him,' sobbed Niggy.'I want my life back.' She clung even tighter to her friend. 'Help me.' she croaked. The first time she had ever used those words.For the first time ever she felt helpless.

Daphne watched the painful scene unfold before her.'If only i was the goddess Demeter', she said out loud. Niggy whirled around.'What do you mean?' 'Well.....'said Daphne.'She has the power to bring people back to life.But it's a stupid idea.Only someone who is amoung the gods can ask for her help.' Niggy thought hard.Who else did she know that was immortal? Dromey?No.....she got kicked out of Olympus for working for Hades.This was going to require a lot of thought.They only had a night left!Then it was 'hello mrs.Hades.' Niggy shuddered at the thought.Kurt noticed her shiver. 'I should have never took a second look at Hades.' sobbed Niggy. 'Guess love makes you blind.' said Kurt quietly.Niggy mused. That had ran through her head many times before.Kurt really should've been a poet.Not some damn theif. A sad smile crossed his face.Daphne was suprised.'This is a guy, right?' she said.

Kurt looked at the ground shyly.'You WILL be a poet someday.' said Niggy.She sighed,her worries returning to her.Flimsy came down the steps.'We've got a new henchwoman', she announced.'Her name is Aura.I expect you guys to treat her with the same respect you do me.' 'You mean kick her in the stomach and pull her tail?' asked Daphne. Flimsy ignored her.'Introducing Aura.Former goddess,future henchwoman.' Kurt and Niggy's faces lit up instantly.They were both thinkinng the same thing.

*** That night Aura had trouble sleeping.She kept hearing whispers outside her room.She heard words but could not make them out. 'So,' Niggy was telling Daphne.'We just gotta get proof that she's from Olympus and then ask for Demeters services.' 'Yeah,but what proof?' asked Kurt. 'The medal of Olympus!' cried Niggy.'Someones gonna hafta go into her room and get it.' She looked at Daphne.Kurt looked at Daphne.Daphne looked away.'Ohho no!' she groaned.Then sighed.'All right.It's the least i can do for getting you guys into this mess.' She tip-toed off to aura's room.

Daphne flinched as she stood in the doorway.It was pitch black and she was afraid she would crash into a table or something and awaken Aura.She waited for a bit so her eyes could adjust to the darkness.When they finally did she walked over quietly to Aura's bedside and noticed a bag hanging there.She thrust her hand in it,fumbling for a round metal object.Sucess!!! Kurt was so bored he began to chew the ends of his messy hair.Niggy noticed this.She couldn't blame him.What was taking Daphne so long?All of Niggy's anxiety had been replaced with fatigue and boredom.Kurt lay down on the shore and began to kick the stone walls with his feet.THUMP,THUMP,THUMP.He stopped,suddenly aware that Niggy was giving him an annoyed look.He got to chewing his hair again.Suddenly Daphne came running down the stairs.She almost tripped over Kurt in her haste.

'Persephone!!' called Demeter.A young goddess with dark brown hair came rushing out of a room.'Yes mother?' she said,then noticed Kurt lying on the bed.'What happened?' 'No time,' said Demeter impaitently.'Just put somthing warm on and come with me.' Demeter was a loving mother and very protective of her daughter.She also didn't trust men around Persephone,no matter how well she knew them.Especially after that 'Zeus incident.' 'Aw,mom.' whined Persephone.'It's cold outside and besides....this is so cool.We have a human in our house!!!' 'That's why i'm worried,' mouthed Demeter.'Leave him be.Let's just go.' 'Where?' Demeter stopped suddenly.She wasn't sure she liked the idea of her clean,innocent daughter going into the rank,disgusting underworld.

'Well.....maybe it's best you don't know,' said Demeter quietly.She looked at Kurt.Even if he was harmful he looked to tired to do anything wrong. Demeter ran into the night,the blackness enveloped her. Persephone watched her mother go.She felt lonely with a stranger in the house.Kurt took one look at the goddess and fell asleep.He was exhuasted.

Persephone,like most children was curious.She had never seen a mortal close up before.Her mother had always steered Persephone away when they were around,especially from men.She edged closer.Kurt moaned softly. 'HEY MISTER!' yelled persephone.Kurt,smacked out of his sleep,screamed out loud. 'You've got a wicked scream',grinned Persephone mischeivously.'Do it again!' Kurt got his breath back after several gasps. 'Sorry,kid,' said Kurt.'All of the energy just jumped out of my well as my blood pressure.'

Persephone pouted and folded her arms.'Where did my mommy go?' she demanded.Kurt sighed. 'Mommy went out.' he said,slighty disgusted because he almost sounded like he was the daddy. Kurt didn't expect what happened next.Persephone lept on him and pulled his hair.'Tell me where my mommy is or i'll scream!!!' 'All right,' winced Kurt,clearly in pain.'I know you're scared but you hafta understand that...mmmgh!' Persephone pulled his hair harder.'Take me to my mommy,mortal.' 'THEN LET GOOOOOO!!!!' Persephone did. ' screamed again.'