Chapter 7

Everyone's attention turned toward niggy,and she suddenly felt very vunerable.Something she absolutely despised.Alpha recognized Niggy.Although niggy did not know her,Alpha had seen the girl many times before.'You!' cried Alpha.Niggy,not comprehending,ran in fright.But as fast as she was,she was only blessed with two feet and not four like Alpha.Alpha's student hurried behind her,panting with fatigue.Alpha reached out and grabbed a trashing niggy by her toga.Niggy wrestled,but she was no match for the strong centaur.'Hades has been looking for this one',said Alpha to her student.'Go tell dromey and the others to stop looking.We've found her.' He got up,still panting.'Aw,Alpha.It's so far.' 'Kurt!!!' 'Alpha.....' he whined. 'NOW!!!' He ran off,still panting.

Kurt's could barely stand up by the time he reached the Underworld.Blasted Hades!!!Blasted Alpha!!Blasted hand turning red from all of Alpha's punishment!! He looked up at Charon,who was silent as usual.'Don't you hate your job?' he asked the skeleton.' 'Cause i do.' Charon docked and stretched out his bony hand.'Makes it all worth while,doesn't it?' said Kurt sarcastically.He reached into his pocket and was shocked to discover it was empty.He had had money!He KNEW he had.Alpha had slipped it in there. A sheepish,stupid looking grin spread across his face as he looked up at Charon.'Um.....i'm running a little short.Do you take I.O.U.S?' Charon reached for Kurt so he could throw him into the river.'WAIT!!' yelped the young man,obviously cowering at this point.'I have a message from Hades from Alpha.She's found 'niggy',whoever that is.' Charon sighed.Kurt ran off.

As Kurt expected,Hades was NOT in a good mood.'WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?' were his first words as the nervous Kurt entered the throne room.' been found sir.Alpha has HER..' his voice broke into a frightend croak. Hades leaned closer to Kurt.'Good.But i'll say this.I never did like you.You cant steal,you cant fight.You're a sissy girlish wimp.' With that he poofed to Thebes.Kurt stuck his tounge out at an imaginary Hades.He kicked dust in the imaginary Hades face.He was sick of being kicked around.If only he could learn to steal.He couldn't even watch his own money!If he was a master criminal he would rob everyone blind.Including Hades.His typical sheepish looking smile spread across his face as he daydreamed.

Niggy continued to struggle.' little flower' came a famliliar voice.Hades.She longed to be with him but she knew she couldn't.She tried a sarcastic response.'Yeah,a flower.A flower growin' on a cactus like you.' She noticed the hurt look in hades eyes.Although it was what she had intended to do she couldn't help but feel sorry for him.She understood his feelings.All empathy dissapeared as she was dragged off kicking and yelling obscenities to the underworld.

Kurt kicked Pain out of his way.The demon yelped in suprise.'WOW!' he said.'You're 27 but you've still got those teenage hormones.' Kurt ignored him.Hades was coming back and he had to welcome the big stiff or it was into the river Styx with him.The scene before him made him want to laugh out loud.He bit his lower lip.The smirk was visible on his face. Niggy had bitten Hades on the arm and pushed Alpha overboard.She sprang out of the boat onto dry land and was just about to zip off at 160 miles per hour when she smashed into Kurt. 'Is this the way i meet all men?' asked niggy.Kurt noticed a small bundle lying on the ground next to her.His money.'This is MINE!' he said,a scowl forming on his face.'Not anymore.' said Niggy.'Give it here'. 'NO!' 'YES!' 'YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME?' 'I WANT ALL OF YA!' 'COME AND GET ME!' Hades,Alpha and Charon watched in amazement as niggy and Kurt's fist fight began.Two seriously disturbed individuals flailing and kicking,unsure of where to punch next,just punching cause they knew it would inflict pain.Kurt was getting tired.He sighed.'I give up.' 'You let a GIRL beat you?' yelled Hades from the boat. 'SO WHAT?!' yelled Kurt,his fear of Hades dissapearing. 'LEAST I DIDN'T GET BITTEN!' Hades turned red so fast that even niggy staggered back in fear.Kurt had said too much too fast!!!

'YOU LITTLE WORM!' screamed Hades.'IT'S CURTAINS FOR YOU!!' 'Go ahead then.' said Kurt,his voice wavering.Niggy was suprised at his pluckiness.It mirrored her own.'Uh...Hades.' she said.'Let's not make a big fuss over this little matter.' She walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek.'I missed ya y'know.' Hades turned cool and blue once more.'We gotta lot of catching up to do kid,'Hades told her.'And i gotta escape!' thought Niggy.As Hades led her away,Kurt grabbed her hand.He placed the money in it.'Thanks.' he said.Niggy smiled.'Keep it.' She walked off miserably with Hades.

She stared at the ground.No one could ever understand what she was going through.Ever.And she had always thought Hades would be the one person who would.'Guess love makes you blind',she thought.Hades slipped an arm around Niggy's waist. 'Why did you run away?' he said,his eyes full of heartache.'Don't you love me?' Niggy sighed.She was goind to have to take drstic measures.'NO! I don't!!' this was a lie of course,but Niggy had become desperate.Hades looked shocked.'Get out.' he said slowly and dangerously.Niggy was happy that her trick had worked,but Hades tone of voice made her feel uncomfortable.'Out.' His voice held no emotion.Niggy ran.She ran past Alpha,past the demons,past Kurt,into Charon's dory.Kurt looked up.'Hey!where are you going?' 'AWAY!' said Niggy happily. 'Can i come?' 'It's a free underworld!' Kurt joined Niggy in the boat and Charon rowed the two suffering souls to freedom.