Hades poofed into the crowd's midst.Some people moved back at the sudden presence of the Lord of the Dead.Others remained indifferent.Hades was anything but.He scanned the crowd for a short girl with stringy black hair,but all he saw were people he did not know going about their daily lives.The god became desperate.Where was she? Suddenly there was a sharp cry and the crowd turned in the scream's direction.Hades caught a glimpse of Niggy struggling in the huge mans arms.He slung her over his shoulder as if she were a sack.As Hades caught glimpses of her he saw that she didn't look frightend but really mad.Her anger reflected Hades's.He pushed people out of thhe way as he walked towards the man.Hades grew redder with every step he took.Soon he looked so menacing he didn't even have to push people out of his way.They simply stepped back,terrified.Soon they had cleared a path for Hades and all that stood between him and Niggy's kidnapper was a blanket of air.

Hades could not control himself.He lunged for the big hulking mass in front of him.All Niggy saw was a red shape engulfed in white hot flames,then she was flying through the air.She landed at a shocked Dromey's feet.The girls looked on in shock as Hades fist rammed into the farmer again and again.They had never seen him so angry.He always used words instead of actions.Even Dromey had to turn away for an instant.When Hades finally returned to his regular shade of blue,the entire amphitheater was looking on at the blackened farmer who barely had the strength to stand up.'Ay chihuahua',choroused Niggy and Andromeda.'I thought you were gonna KILL him',said Dromey.Hades looked at Niggy.He had not been himself these days because of the girl.'Let's go home',he said to the girls quietly.Niggy and Dromey followed him silenty.They wondered what was wrong with their master.

Niggy felt uneasy as Charon rowed Hades and the girls across the River Styx.She looked up at the tall god,whose face was filled with an anguish of some kind.Hades walked off quickly towards his room as Charon docked the boat.Niggy began to follow but Dromey pulled her by the arm.'No',she whispered. Later,while Drpmey was yelling at the demons,Niggy snuck off to the throne room.She peeked from behind a pillar at a long faced Hades.'What's wrong my Hades?'said Niggy stepping out of the shadows.Hades looked miserable and forlorn.'Niggy'. 'That's my name!'answered the girl.Hades remembered how he had thought it was such a stupid name.now he couldn't get it out of his mind.

'Thanks for saving me.'said Niggy.'Come here',said Hades.'I have to tell you something.' Niggy noticed that his tone of voice was serious. Was he sick?That must have been it.She ventured closer.Hades took her small hand in his.'Niggy...i ,you....um'.Hades had no idea where to begin.'Yes?'said Niggy.Her voice helped steady him.'You're a woman....now',said Hades trying to bring out the 'dreaded' words again.'You...you.Look ....nice.' 'Uh,thanks boss.'Said Niggy.Hades died inside.That wasn't what he had meant to say.Would he ever get the words out?'No,'he said.'I mean....oh gods this is hard for me!Niggy....i love you.'The last words came out in a whiny voice.Niggy was speechless.A god?In love with her?Hades?What would he want with a grungy thing like her.'Um....'said Niggy.'I'm very flattered Hades...but i really don't feel the same.I'm sorry.'Was she saying that or did she mean it?She remembered the time she had flirted with him in the boat.

'HE WHAT?'asked Flimsy,her voice sounding so high pitched it hurt Niggy's ears.'He said he liked me.'answered Niggy.'Wish Panic would say that to me',said Flimsy sighing.At that moment Andromeda came into the room.'What did you tell him?'Flimsy asked Niggy.'I said i didn't really feel the same way but i respected him.' 'Oho no!'said Flimsy,pointing a claw at Niggy.'I've seen the way you look at him!You like him!You just wont admit it!' 'What are you screaming about'?asked Dromey.Flimsy placed her hands on her hips.'I'm not yelling.'said the demon.'I'm just trying to emphasize a point.'Andromeda kicked the pink demon out of the way.She sat down next to Niggy.'So what's the hubbub,bub?' 'Oh,nothing',said Flimsy getting up.'Hades just confessed his love to her that's all.'Andromeda whirled around to face Niggy.'WHO HOA',she croaked.'That's...great.' Niggy cocked her head to one side.'You okay?'she asked.'Uh,sure.'answered the nymph.'Just ...uh just overcome by the....um,emotional moment.

Flimsy left the room grumbling obscenities.'What is REALLY wrong?'asked Niggy.'Nothing.'Niggy got up and began to leave.'All right.'said Dromey.'I'll tell you.Just don't tell Hades.I...i sorta kinda have a crush on him.'Niggy's head snapped around so quickly,that Dromey was sure if it wasn't screwed on it would have gone flying across the room.'You like him?'said Niggy.She was a little suprised at herself.Suprised because she felt a little jealous.Just how many women did like the god of death?

That night the underworld seemed full of characters who were all lovelorn.Andromeda and Niggy lay on a stone ledge overlooking the river styx and thinking about Hades. 'The way he smiles..'said Dromey,sighing.'I've never seen such a perfect set of canines.' 'He has these big black eyes',said Niggy.'They can be so expressionate.' 'His hair...'said Andromeda. 'His hair,'Niggy parroted.Both girls sighed.'Oh,WHY are we bothering anyway?'asked Niggy.'I don't think i'm ready for a relationship anyway.' She pouted and stared at the ground. 'Maybe I don't have the guts to tell him but YOU do,' said Andromeda.Niggy's head snapped up.'I...i couldn't',she stuttered.'His hair.'said Andromeda.Niggy sighed.'Yeah,yeah.'She said.'And he has a great sense of humour.And he's smart...' 'SO TELL HIM ALREADY!'Andromeda yelled.

A shiver shot up Niggy's spine.'No....said Niggy.What if i botch it?What if i say something stupid in front of him.?' 'How could you do that?'asked ANdromeda.'You've always been smarter than him.' 'No',said Niggy.'Wait a minute.Let's go to the fates.' 'Why?'asked Dromey. Niggy grinned.'To see what the future holds for Hades lovelife of course.' Andromeda leapt to her feet instantly and she and Niggy raced down the ledge towards Tartarus. * * * Athropos sighed.She looked up at her sisters.'The young ones never come visit us anymore,' she said.Lachesis and Clotho nodded in agreement.Suddenly they heard the sound of running footsteps.'Who is it?'asked Clotho who could not see because Athropos had the eye.'The girls!'said Athropos. Andromeda and Niggy would not shut up.'WE .....HADES''WHO?GIRL?' Their voices were inaudible.'ONE AT A TIME!'screamed Athropos.'What is it?'

I just read your fan-fic and I wantyoutowritemoreNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please. :) I'll say it.'Andromeda took a deep breath then said:'We want to know which girl Hades will marry.' 'We do?' said NIggy,who hadn't been expecting that.Andromeda snarled.'We do!'cried Niggy,her voice croaking into a high pitched squeal.Athropos raised her only eyebrow.'Why?' Niggy and Andromeda remained silent.Athropos rolled her eye.'Fine',she moaned.'I got nothing better to do.' She handed Lachesis the eyeball. Lachesis stuffed it greedily into her eye socket and raised her hand.'I.....see a field,' she said. 'Yes?' asked Dromey and NIggy. 'And a girl dancing.' 'Yes?' 'A goddess.....the goddess persephone.Hades heart belongs to her.' Niggy and Andromeda's hearts ripped in half.Stupid Cupid had missed their rear ends.

'I don't beleive it,'moaned Niggy close to tears as she and Dromey walked back home.'I beat up Hercules for him.I slave over his work and orders.I make him laugh.All she does is dance and look pretty and he's gobsmacked?'She slumped to the ground.'Hades...'. Her voice broke and the tears fell.'You still have a chace at him you know.'said Dromey.'He says he loves you.Go tell him the same.' Niggy sighed.'I'll tell him,'she said,making Andromeda smile.'Then i'll tell him goodbye.'