Niggy's Story

Chapter 4

When Niggy and Andromeda returned to the underworld,Hades was all inquiries.'HOW?WHAT?HOW?' For the first time in his 'life' he seemed at a loss for words.Andromeda grabbed Hades and shook him.'Cool it!'she said.'It wasn't as hard as you think.'She went on to explain how Niggy had gone around the crowd of screaming girls,and pretended to faint.Naturally,Hercules had rushed to help her.He knelt down beside the girl,trying to revive her when Niggy suddenly got up,kissed Hercules(THAT had taken courage!)and pushed him to the ground.As this happened,Andromeda had smacked Pegasus's rump,causing the horse to run foward.In order to get out of the way of the suprised animal,the girls rushed foward and practically flattened poor Hercules.Andromeda also explained that he was now being cared for by a doctor in Thebes.'It was that simple,'she said.'No monsters,no cyclops no centaur.Just hundreds of people...with hard shoes.'Niggy grinned.'That was so easy it was almost stupid.'Hades was stupefied. 'May i call you boss?'asked Niggy.She was suprised and embarrassed when Hades picked her up and nearly crushed her in a bear hug.'Boss.....boss',she croaked.'You're hurting me.'Hades didn't let go.In desperation,Niggy bit him on the shoulder.Hades yelped in suprise.'Sorry,'said Niggy.'You were hurting me. Hades hardly cared.'Hercules is in a hospital..'he grinned wickedly.'That's not all,'said Andromeda.She showed him the bags of money Niggy had stolen.Both girls gasped for air as Hades embraced them a little too tightly.

Years passed.Hades sent Niggy on many odd jobs,most involving the taking of people's souls. She never failed him.Except of course if it meant killing Hercules,which by now seems pretty impossible to the fanfic reader.In the company of Hades,Dromey and the demons,Niggy grew into a young woman.She was now 21,and as ambitious and gutsy as ever.She had also gotten to know the Fates pretty well and taught Cerberus how to play fetch and roll over.She continued to steal regularly.Yes,she had to say she was happy in the underworld.Hades had given up on trying to take Niggy's soul.She outsmarted him every time,and when he lost his temper,the anger didn't last because Niggy would show him bags of money,or a few pitiful mortals who agreed to sell their souls for something more important. But as Niggy had grown,so had Hades affection toward her.She wasn't a gawky teenager anymore,she was a woman....and lonely Hades couldn't help but feel a little lonelier.He began to mope about the underworld,he felt lovelorn but didn't even know if he was in love.He felt very confused.

Niggy didn't really give a damn about love.She was too busy having fun robbing people and outsmarting them.On this particular day,she and Andromeda were at the amphitheater looking for suckers to con.Business was slow.Everyone seemed to be wise to con artists,so Dromey and niggy decided to watch the athletes competing instead.

They didn't know someone else was watching the athletes...well not the athletes,rather someone was watching them.It was the farmer who had tried to 'end Niggy's suffering' five years ago with a hoe when she had first met Hades.Even though five years had passed,he still recognized the scruffy haired girl.His blood boiled.He wanted revenge for being robbed and being hit in the rear with a ball of fire.If he could not take his revenge on Hades,he would take revenge on the girl.He stared up at the two girls,watching their every move.A plan began to form in his head. Someone else watched Niggy and Andromeda too,but in a less murderous manner.Hades stared into his crystal ball,his head full of questions.He was talking to himself again. 'This can't be right',he said.'Why should i give a damn about anyone else?Besides,i have things to do people to see. I'm a loner,i answer to no one!i.....i'm talking to myself,and i'm a liar.'He smoothed his hair.'All right',he said to himself.'Calm down,Hades,calm down.'He had never felt this way before,and it made him feel sick and delighted at the same time.