Niggy's Story

Chapter 4

Morning came,and Niggy was awakend by the sound of Pain screaming.Curious and troubled,Niggy went to see what the problem was.She ran into the room where the noise had come from and suprised to see Flimsy,Pain and Panic....blackend and charred. 'It was your fault',Panic was saying to Pain.'You were the one who mentioned Hercules.'Niggy moved into the room.'Is Hades having a bad day or something?'she asked.All three demons gave her a look of disgust.'NOOO',said Flimsy.Niggy was curious to see Hades in a bad mood.She left the room and tiptoed into Hades throne room.He was on his throne,looking forlorn and miserable.'Stupid jerkules',he muttered.'If only there were someone brave enough to stand up to the little twerp's strengh.Some one who can fight just as well.....well not exactly as well....but well enough.'He sighed as he realized he was talking to himself....or so he thought.

Feeling full of guts,Niggy stepped out of the shadows.'I'm your woman,'she said.'I can beat up anyone i feel like.'Hades felt like bursting into peals of laughter. 'YOU?'he smirked,'You're a woman.' Niggy's blood boiled.'And since when have men been able to handle your jobs?'she asked calmly. 'Listen,tuts',said Hades,feeling a little insecure,should her fist come ramming down on him again.'Hercules is no ordinary guy.....he's half nasty as i am,i couldn't possibly make a woman go up against Hercules.'Niggy shot him a dirty look.'Hows about we make a little wager,'she said.Hades sat up.'What kind of wager?',he said,grinning.Niggy smiled.'Nothing much,'said Niggy,'Just ...oh say,if i don't beat up this jerk in three get to keep my soul.'Hades couldn't believe his ears,'Y'know what babe?'He told niggy.'You've got guts.'

Niggy obviously felt she had something to prove.Hades didn't mind.If she won the bet(and he was pretty sure she wouldn't)hercules would be beaten up.If she didn't,he would get to keep her soul.And the soul of someone so plucky would be a prize addition to his collection.He wondered why she was doing this.She didn't even know Hercules.What was going on inside her head?He wished he knew.'Oh,well',he thought.'Least i'll be getting something out of it.

Why are you doing this?'asked Andromeda as Niggy set out the next morning to accomplise what she told Hades.Or as Andromeda called it,her impending doom.'Hercules can lift pillars bigger than Hades ego.'Niggy turned around.'Who is this Hercules anyway?'she asked.

* * * Thebes was packed.People,satyrs,nymphs and wotnot traveled together in swarms trying to be the first to get to market.Some carried pottery,fruits,blankets and to Niggy's delight,fat purses.'WHERE IS THE DWEEB?'snarled Andromeda through clenched teeth.'He's usually here this time of day with nut-meg.'Niggy didn't bother to ask who nut-meg was,she wasn't even paying attention to Dromey.She was busy,slyly and slowly pulling bags of money out of passers-by's pockets. In a fit of rage,Dromey grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close.'STOP FOOLING AROUND!!THIS ISN'T A GAME!This is your soul we.....are......talking .....about here... Her mouth dropped open when she saw how much money Niggy had 'collected.'

Hades watched the scene in his crystal ball.'You ARE smart,' he said,'but too bad i'll have to take your soul when you fail.'He lay back on his throne and reached for some beetles crawling around in a bowl.'Cute kid,'he said,chewing the beetles and making crunching noises,'But she's got too much ambition running through that nutty head.Hmmmmm....cute,ambition?I just described myself...except for the nutty part.'At that moment Flimsy and Panic crawled into the room.'The girl just beat up Hercules..'they blurted out in a chourus.'All of Thebes is talikng about it.'Hades spat out a half eaten beetle,hitting Panic between the eyes.'NOT POSSIBLE!'he shouted.'GET OUT BEFORE I HURT YOU.....AGAIN!!!!'As the demons fled from the room,Hades rubbed his chin thoughtfully.How had she done it?