So,beautiful', Hades said to Niggy as Charon rowed them both across the river Styx. 'How good a theif are you?' Niggy looked up at the dark god. 'I'm not good.' she said 'I'm the best. I've been stealing all my life.' 'How old are ya?' 'I'm 16.' 'So you've been stealing for 16 years.' 'Well.....not exactly 16.....16 and nine months in the womb.' Hades knew he HAD to have this girl's soul. He leaned closer. 'Care to make a little wager?' he said, smiling and displaying two rows of sharp teeth. Niggy squirmed. 'What kind of wager?' 'Oh,nothing much', said Hades. 'Just...oh,say your freedom for your soul?' Niggy flexed her fingers, making cracking noises. 'Is that a yes?' asked Hades. The fist hit him again. He landed at Charons feet. 'Is that a yes?' he croaked. Niggy clambered on top of him and stared straight into his dark round eyes. 'That's a no', she whispered. 'Are you flirting with me?,' asked HAdes. 'That's a maybe.' said Niggy stepping off the boat as Charon docked it. She wasn't even sure herself.

Hades stepped off the boat to join Niggy who was staring wide eyed at the eerie twisted underworld around her.'DROMEY!'Hades yelled causing NIggy to jump.'PAIN!PANIC! FLIMSY!'Three demons scrambled down the stairs,tripping over each other.They were followed by a much more graceful nymph with silky blue hair and a light blue complexion.

This was Andromeda,Hades head henchwoman....since he had figured out earlier on that men couldn't get his jobs done. All began to introduce themselves.'And these three',said Hades pointing to the three demons after introducing Andromeda,'Are my worthless excuses for help.' 'I resent that',said Pain,but quickly shut up as Hades shot him a nasty look.'Dromey',said Hades,'You know where the bathroom is and the kid around.I've got work to do.' 'Hercules?'asked Dromey. 'What else',fumed Hades.

'What's he so steamed about?'asked Niggy. 'Aint you ever heard of Herc the Jerk?The guy who's got so many muscles there's no room for his brain.' 'Sounds like a primitive lifeform',said Niggy. Andromeda smiled.'I can tell wer'e gonna get along just fine,Nig',she said.

Andromeda watched in suprise as Niggy stuffed handful after handful of food into her mouth.'Hungry,aren't you?' she said.Niggy belched in reply.'Is your name Niggy or piggy?'asked Andromeda.'Hey!'cried niggy,'You're well fed and immortal.You don't have to go scraping for food.' 'Sorry',said Andromeda.Niggy belched again.Both girls giggled and finished their dinner. Hades wasn't so happy.His jaw felt as if it had been rammed with an anvil.'Yowch',he moaned.'What a woman.Didn't know they were made of steel nowadays.'