Leuce's Art!

Well, these have been laying all over the net, I thought it was time to put them all in one place! Here they are! Thumbnail soon hopefully!

Heres a pic of Artimis in full body pose!
A roughie of ME! Andromeda!!:D
Hades doesn't like Perseus too much..;)
Styx with her parents!!
Styx's children! Ain't Zelus cute!
Heres Zelus with his bitchy sister.
Double Date- Hehe, sorry Leuce, it's the pants!
Styx with her own little demon, Hate!
Eris as an adult! Aww... my baby's all grown up! *sniff*
This is Hades and Persephone after, ummm... you know;)
Styx's kids in Hades throne... AGAIN!;)
Leuce kissing Hades on the cheek... AWWW!!!
An older one of Leuce and Hades first meeting...
Leuce and baby Cerberus! AWW
Leuce and HAdes just chillin and smokin..
"Can Zelus come out and play?"
I think Eris likes Zelus, hehehehe
A cute one of Hades and Persephone.
Eris and Cerberus! HEHEH!
Well! Persephone was trying to leave!!
Leuce meets the brother in law!
Leuce borrowing Hades clothes!
Heres Artemis!
Artimis in full color!
Heres the revamped Artimis!
Heres Echo!
Echo and Apollo! LOL
Here they are again, this time Artemis is here too!
One of the first sketches of Leuce!
Heres some Leuce facial studies!
Leuce in color!
Leuce in HAdes throne! OY! He never gets to sit in it!
Leuce in tree form talkin to Hades! SO SAD!!
Here she is as a tree again!
Heres someore Leuce face studies!
Heres MORE face studies;)
Leuce and Hades playin Chess!
Styx's girls!
Her first pic of Styx!
Persephone! Nuff said!
Adult Eris gets her man! LOL
MWAHAH! poor pooor Zelus;)
Well! He does look like Clopin! mm... cllooppinnn...;)