Welcome Friends, Greeks, Countrymen, lend me your Pencil! Because you are about to enter:

Ahhh yes. Dear ol' Prometheus Academy. Known for acedemic excellence in all fields of education.
But Hel! That's not why we love it so! Students make a school, a school! And boy do we ever have a
fun variety of students here for your viewing pleasure! A few more interresting then others! And then
of coarse there are those Olympian Gods who love to stop by for assemblies or whatever! Even Hades
stops by hopin' to catch a student brawl or maybe start one himself! So much too see and do here at
Prometheus Academy: We don't serve liver in our cafeteria!!

Dromey's Journal was last written September 10th

Well enough of that useless mumbo jumbo! I swear, it's all Greek to me! But anyway, allow me to introduce myself! The name's Andromeda but all my friends call me Dromey. And as a slav- I mean 'student' here at Prometheus Academy, I would like to welcome ya to our Campus! You'll probubly spot me a few more times here but I don't want to hog all the glory! As you can probubly tell I'm being sarcastic! But unfortunantly because of
a few 'misunderstandings' I had with a few 'teachers', I'm being forced to share the spotlight, even though it
looks great on yours truely! But seriously folks, go on, take a look around, but don't make yourself too comfortable. Adonis doesn't take too kindly to new kids on the block, and I ain't talkin' no pre-pubesent
singin' group!

The Prometheus Academy Yearbook

We're on television? What in Thebes is television!

School Library

Art Class

Mythology Class


Ask Cassandra!!

So you want to enroll?

Do YOU have a character in need of drawing?

Adonis' Links

Message From the Maintainer!

Well hope you enjoyed the tour and we hope to catch you back here again so you all come back now, ya hear?
But before you go, leave us a little message in the school mailbox! Getting school sanitation notices in the
mail just isn't funny anymore! We need some good news like compliments and stuff! Thanks and goodnight!
Write us a letter Read our letters!

Well fortunantly for Herc, Cassie, Ic and all the rest, they do not belong to us! As a matter of fact they don't own themselves either! Kind
of a Hades owned Soul 'thing'. Just think of Disney as Keeper of the Souls for the time being and keep in mind that all these Herc characters except for the ones NOT belonging to Disney, belong to Disney and were used without permission because we all here are
too lazy to walk to L.A. to ask. And who knows how long it would take on horseback! Too bad the airplane won't be around for a few
more years. Eh well.

Any problems? E-mail Dromey, Persephone, Psyche, or Bia! We're happy to help!