"Why Herc's the Jerk, and Hades gets the ladies."
An Essay by Hades, Lord of the Dead.
I tell you folks, what is this world coming to?! I try to be a nice guy. I understand everyones fear of me and I don't blame them for anything! It was my damn brothers fault! He made me lord of the dead! I asked to be Lord of the Ocean but my other brother got it! Him and Zeus were always picking on me when we were younger... <sniff> Thats how I ended up to be such a grouch when I was in a bad mood!
Then this kid Hercules comes along and I think
to myself.. Oh no... it's Zeus JR! But I come to Olympus to celebrate with
them, but I
only REALLY came for the refreshments. You have no idea how nasty wine
tastes after it's been in the Underworld for a couple of melleniums....
But anyways, I got the kid a rattle. You know, those cute little rattles
with razor sharp spikes on them. Can't but those at your local baby store!
I even thought the kid was kinda cute for a minute... SO SUE ME!
But then the strong little tyke almost breaks
my finger!!! THAT UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BRAT! I knew from that
moment that he was gonna be nothing but trouble for me! He was evil from
the moment he was born!Have
you ever seen that TV show Pinky and the Brain? I haven't cause TV ain't
around but the fates told me about it. Now those are some guys who have
the answers! Take over the world! Now I dunno bout a couple of mice ruling
but I thought, heck! I would make a great ruler! WHY NOT! So
I desided to go for it, starting with Olympus! I would have been a fair
ruler! HONEST! Don't look at me like that! I WOULD! But annnywayy...
That brat! The fates told me he would ruin my plan. I could see him now,
sitting on that nag of his wondering how to ruin my day! *sniff* It's hard,
ya know! I'm so misunderstood!