For those of you wondering whats up with the page, please go here and see why I have been busy! thankoo!:D xoxoxo-Dromey
Check this place out to see what's been updated....
Last Updated June 17th, 1998
Hey toots! Welcome back! Not much to say this time accept my sweety angel
Dromey has made me a webring! If you have a site dedicated to moi, join!
DO IT OR DIE!! *ahem* i mean, please do it??
the Captain speaking!
folks, a minions job is never done. We got lots for you to see and do so
I hope you can stand it! I know how you mortals can be! PPAATTHHEETTIIC!
If it wasn't in my contract, I would enroll the whole lot of ya to the
Bosses new Semenar program! I hear they got this great program called "So
you're a Mortal... YOU LOSER!" It's helped alot of human type
friends of mine! Come on! dolls! I wouldn't be telling you this if I didn't
care! *ahem* but anyway.......
Guys, this is your tour guide through the Underworld. His name is Charon and he's glad to meet ya! See how he's smiling? :) Now cough up a coin and lets get this ball rollin'! First off, let's learn a bit more about our all powerful master, HADES!!
Let me tell you! this river is totally discusting! the quicker we get by it the better! But anyways, come on and check it out! There's more there! I PROMICE! GO! HADES ORDERS!
Unfortunantly my boss doesn't just have me and one of his help.. There's a few other henchdemons that works for him. We'll tell you about them but hope passing through this river, you'll forget you ever heard of the saps...
Who is the Man behind the God? Who is that genius who gave the master his voice?! Find out here :D
ALRIGHT! We had no choice..
We desided to make a little place dedicated to some of our enemies who,
UNFORTUANTLY get to come here when they pass away!
Ok guys, we disided to delay our tour for just a few moments so that we could take you to...
You hit ground at Elysium...........
Well, Well, Well, What have we here? The little part of the Underworld reserved for heroes huh? Hmhmhmhmh..I think it only humane to let Hades take over this trip instead of me. Charon's got a golf ternament in an hour and I'm off to the Hair Saloon anyways... So Hades, if you would please.... Oh, and I spotted Pain and Panic hangin' around the River Styx just so ya know.. I heard they was planning' to umm... try to take over the Underworld! Yea! That's it! hehe... I'de hurt em' alot if I was you..... ;)
you Dromey! My God, I sound like a talkshow host.... Well no matter.. Let's
get down to buisness but before we go to the good old place I like to call
Elysium, hows about we go to a few of Dromey's fave places....... Why am
I being so generous you might ask?? Is it because I'm just letting out
my "nice" side? Is it because I would do anything for her?? Naa...
I lost a bet to her and owed her one...
First on our tour is the beautiful land of Tartarus. Please pay no attention to the horrifying shreaks coming from the place.... And that mangled corpse laying over there in the corner... That's just for looks... This place is seriously a great place to have a vacation.. HONEST!! ;) But the only terrifing place here is THE FAN FICTION!! AHHH!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!
I know! Theres some stuff about Jerkules but theres stuff about Hades too!! A few more things about not only Hades, but the movie in general..;)
We're now entering Dromey's Place... OK! I know this place isn't on the map but you guys have ya know about Dromey somehow!!!
FINALLY!! My least favorite
part of the tour---- WELCOME TO ELYSIUM!!
The part of our little home dedicated to heroes!! I absolutely hate this
place but it says in my conract, and I quote.. "Must have place for
heroes in Underworld because I said so."
Even though I would PREFER a Hades chat forum, this will have to do...
WELL IT'S ABOUT $$%#@# TIME!! GEEZ! You'de think I'de have to wait til I was a million! And that's only a week away!
Hades Movie clips!
I love it! Clips of beautiful moi! *fixes his hair* Oh baby do I look good when I'm ticked! Check out these two wonderful AVI files. DO IT NOW!! I mean, eheh, please?....
Hey sweetheart... This ain't the only place of my Underworld.... Check out some other cool places Here!
Hmmm... Uhh...Sure, be my guest..
Wanna EM my lovely assistant Dromey? Go ahead! Just jump into that flame above me! MWAHAHAH!
This site is maintained by Andromeda
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