The Elysian Fields

Oh yea!! This is so unfair! Hades is Lord of the Dead and he's not even aloud to pick who goes to this place or not! Just real good people huh?!?! WELL THAT JUST PLAIN STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN I TELL YA!! <sigh> Alright! I'll get on with the tour. I just need ot remain clam.... Here are a few of the Hercules movie "good Guys" if any of you are interrested.... <grumble>


Yea We all know about Meg. She use to be cool! Oh yea! She was totally awesome! This is until she switched sides because of LOVE!!! It's all Herc's fault she's good now!! But for a good guy, there is a few things I admire about her. Her indepenance, her cleverness, and definantly her hair!!! Wow! Even my hair isn't that sliky shiny andhow does she keep it up in that ponytail! I mean WOW!!!!


This chump is Herc's sidekick and loyal companion. He's pretty funny and has the brains of a bird but I disagree... He's smarter then a bird!!! He was given to Hercules when he was a baby as a present from ol' Zeus but Herc never got to see him until he was an adult.


This guy is my boss's brother and ruler of the gods... I know he's a good guy and everything but he is kinda cool.. He's one of those hyped up father types and really loves Hercules (I'de like to know why.) We almost got him one time. He was in our clutches and Hades almost got to rule Olympus but everything got screwed up!!

The Muses

These girls are the goddesses of the arts and proclaimers of heroes. Me and Hades agreed that these guys are on the side of good because they actually like Hercules!! ICK!!! But I must admit, these girls have some great storng Gospal singin' voices and that's the Gospal truth!!


Herc's personal trainer! I can't stand the guy! I don't know why! Probubly cause he's a good guy.. But I do like his attitude! Grouchy!! My kinda guy!!


Back to the Underworld.....