Gallery 4!

Ok, this is highly irregular. Gallery 4 has been set up for our slightly 'older' pics. As you go through these you might not be AS impressed but don't blame us! We were just getting started! Some are still good tho so its worth a gander. As you go down the list, the pics just keep getting older, and older...

Aphrodite- Well looky here!
Brothers- HEY! It's the teenage brothers! Which doesn't beling?;)
Poor Persephone- My hubby eats worms, and the daqueris won't unfreeze..
Demeter- WOW!
A bit of a destraction..
Don't make us get Medieval on yer ass!
The NEW and improved Persephy!
Persephy- She's sure happy:)
Seph in the Spring
Hades Angels- A pic of my Persephy, Dromey, and Niggy! :)
Persephone- Isn't she pwetty ;)
Me and Persephy- Wonder who I'm yellin at
Persephy in her Underworld Garb- Man is she ever long!;)
Persephone Again!;)
Here she is again;)- Takes a while to load..;)
Cute!- "Ok! I admit it! I'm cute!"
DROMEY!!- "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.."
Dromey Drowning someone- "NEXT TIME YOU'LL REMEMBER... NO ANCHOVIES!!"
The Joys of Ducttape....
Who's this?- I dunno but she's nifty looking!
Same here?- She's cool too!
Niggy!- Niggy in her element! "HEY YOU! ARE YOU STEALING AGAIN!?
Persephone- "HEY! I ain't cute!!"
SSSMMMOOOOCCCHHHH!!!!- Who! Who put that one in here!!??
Hades Angels!
Angels 2- Will the insanity NEVER STOP!;D
Hades Little Helpers;)- I love this one
Megara- My wittle Nut-Meg
Persephone... AGAIN!!!;)
Pissed at the hubby;)
Ylla- Ohh... pwetty:)

Me, Niggy, and Flimsy!- Poor Flimsy;)
Hades Angels- Persephone, Dromey, Niggy, and the little kid is Eris! EEKKK!!
ME Just chilling with the boss
Persephone and Hades!- Drawn By Persephone, colored by Dromey!
Me and Eris