Gallery 2!
For some of you People who have seen these images before, go to the bottom
"I like to play through."
Bremos Facials. Ain't he cute!
Pirithus and Theseus.. DUH!
Persephy lookin Sweet.! ;D
Hecate and her Bo!
Hecate before she went postal!;)
Oh, Hades with his first wife Luece!;)
Oh, bad pic!;) "Aren't you tired yet!!??"
Hmm... Perseus as Dirty Harry? "you've just gotta ask yerself one question? Do I feel lucky?"
Facials of Andromoda? It's not Dromey! someone else!;)
Here she is again!
An OLD one Sephy did in the first package she ever sent me!What disney did with Persphy! YUK!
"S'cuse me.. Is this your eye? I found it in my clevage."
If you like Hello Dolly, You'll LOVE these! Dolly-Hecate! Persephy-Irene Niggy- Ephagenine Dromey-Minnie
Bremos Teething Already?