Part 3

Hades was, with much calmness in his voice as possible, speaking to his little imps, Pain and Panic. He must had been in a good mood. Yelling at people always cheered him up.

"Now listen sportsfans." He began. "I want you to keep an eye on our new blue friend. I mean, hey! I would do it, but as you know, the work of a megalomanic is never done." Panic spoke up.

"But why boss? She seems trustworthy enough. And shes pretty cute too!" He added as Pain joined in.

"The cute ones are always trouble." He grumbled.

"Bingo!" Hades said. "Which is exactly why I'm not sure about this one. So I want you to-" His sentence was broke off by the sound of a slamming door and an incredibly wet and filthy blue nymph stepped in, holding a sandel in one hand, and with the other, just trying to hold her dress up! With a frown on her face and her hair all a mess, she slowly walked up to the god, who looked at her for a minute and began laughing like a maniac. The demons joined in.

"NEVER!" She began. "IN MY LIFE! HAVE I EVER BEEN SO HUMILIATED!" She squeezed the water out of her sandel. "I'll give you all some advise. Never try keeping up with a flying pony cause all you'll get is a trip in a lake and a mouth full of fish! Not to mention a million laffs by the HUNDREDS of spectator who just HAPPENED to be there!!!" Hades fell out of his throne, still laffing like crazy.

"So, hehe, you HA! you, didn't get, hmhmhmhm, WonderBoy? MWAHAHAH!" Dromey shook her head roughly sending water everywhere including on Hades head, letting the flame out. That shut him up and he covered his head with a hand. "Eeek! I'm bald!" And with a light of a match, he lit his head back up much like a gas stove.