The river Charon took Dromey across stenched with the smell of oders even unknown to someone as old as she was, but she said nothing, knowing that some things were meant bringing up, but insulting a god in his home was a big "no no". She just crossed her legs and leaned back into the boat and relaxed. When they passed Cerberus, Hades tossed him a steak and the boat went on it's way. Andromeda noticed the deadly silence and desided to say something.

"Umm... Nice place you got here Hades." She began. Hades just turned around and shrugged his shoulders. "Yea. It's a fixer upper but, ahh, who has the time. Ya know, taking souls, keepin' track of all the dead people, you know all that jazz." He winked and she just rolled her eyes and grinned. Andromeda streched her arms out but sitting right by Charon, it wasn't a very good idea cause when she stretched, she did a little to far and whapped the driver right in the butt, sending him flying overboard.

"...oopsie..." Dromey said as she peeked over and saw the caped skeleton fighting for dear life, trying to stay up. Hades took a place right next to her and peeked over as well, a confused look on his face. Dromey nibbled on the tip of her pinky and grinned inocently. "Umm..... hehe." She said before Hades began cracking up laughing. He fell over and clenched his gut, laughing hysterically. Andromeda looked around and raised an eyeridge, but desided the safest thing to do would be to laugh along with the god so she began chuckling as Hades stood up.

"HA! you're pretty funny kid!" He said as he slapped her in the back, sending her flying overboard as well. "...oopsie..." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hubba! Hubba!" The small greenish demon said as the two figures stepped out of the boat. The nymph twisted all the water out of her hair and a few faces dripped out as well. "MAN!" She said. "I hope these souls are easy to get out of cotton!" She said as she wiped some souls off her dress. Hades waved a hand towards her. "They come out in the wash. Don't worry, I know. I just feel sorry for ol' Charon. He was wearin' polyester!" He said as Panic joined his demonic friend and nudged Panic in the shoulder and winked. "Who's the babe, boss?" He asked as Dromey shook the last of the souls off and they hit the two demons with a splash. Hades just rubbed his temples and zapped both of them in the butt without even having to raise his voice.

"This, my dear dear dimwits, is Meg's replacement so treat her with the same respect as her, yaddayaddayadda, you know." He said as both demons stood in attention. "YES SIR!" They said as the blue nymph just crossed her arms. "This is gonna be fun..." She said sarcastically as both demons grabbed ahold of both of her legs like little kids. "So, babe," Pain began. "You're pretty cute. Wanna go out for worms and a slime shake later?" Dromey just shuddered slightly. "Umm, sorry pal, but I got a labodomy in an hour and a half." "Well how about a movie" Panic asked. "The blue female looked up at her new master with a look of 'my god! help me!!' and Hades just picked both demons up by the scruffs of their necks. "No hitting on the new kid!" He said calmly as he dropped them into a crator and took Dromey by the arm. "Shall we?" He said as they walked off.

Dromey curled her lip up a bit as she stepped into something she hoped was just chocolate pudding, as the two entered the throne room. The nymph wiped a bit of cobwebs off her shoulder and Hades plopped onto his rather large throne. "This," He said. "Is the main part of our tour sweetckeeks. The throne room!" Dromey looked around at all the gross stuff hanging all over the place and had only one word to describe it. Unfortuantly her little comment might cost her her job or even worse, he might take away her dental plan. "It's lovely!" She lied. "It is?" Hades remarked as he raised an eyebrow. "DAMN! Where's my decorator!" He snapped his finger and a skinny man in a tux appeared. "I ASKED FOR A REPULSIVE LOOK AND SHE SAID IT'S LOVELY! YOU'RE FIRED!" He said as the decorator suddenly got set on fire. Screaming in agony he fell off the cliff beside the gods throne. Dromey's eyes bugged out as Hades just grinned. "Now, where were we?"

Hades slurped down another worm while Dromey turned her head in the other direction. 'So babes,' He began. 'Now that you're on my side, we gotta test out your abilities, ya know, see if you're Grade A henchwoman material.' Dromey tilted her head slightly in confusion. 'Hades just shook his head. 'Just follow me..' He said with a grumble as he jumped from his throne and went over to a huge crystal ball type thingamajiggard and the nymph/god followed. 'What's that?' She asked. Hades rolled his eyes. 'It's a bowling ball... WHADDA THINK IT IS!' Andromeda just crossed her arms. 'Well excuse me Mr. I think I'm so smart cause I know what a crystal ball is!! I'm new to this place ok?!?' Hades swatted her on the back again, this time sending her into the ball. 'OUCH!' She said as Hades let out one of his dark chuckles. 'You're a cute kid, but quit with the smartass remarks, k? That's my job.' Dromey paid no attention and looked down at the crystal sphere, and then, an image appeared..

'Who's the stud?' Andromeda asked as a certain hero with a flying horse appeared. Hades turned his head slightly, his hair turning the slightest bit red and he let out an obviously fake chuckle. ' Stud?' He said as calmly as he possibly could. God, he wanted to explode! But he remained as cool as he possibly could. 'Don't tell me you haven't heard of Jer- Hercules! I mean! Hasn't your pop told you anything?!' Dromey began filing her nails. 'I don't get out much.' She stated. 'Oh...' He said as his long finger pointed at the hero, doing tricks in the air with his horse friend. 'There!' He said. 'That's your mission dear girl! Get him!' Dromey looked down at the hero. 'Him??' She said with a grin. 'You must be joking! I don't want him! He ain't even my type!' She said with a chuckle. Hades turned red for a second as Dromey tried to protect herself with her hands. 'I'm kidding!' She said.

'Well, this is it.' Andromeda said to herself as she looked up at the large villa that supposedly was the home to the 'famous' Hercules. She pulled out a small sheet of paper with the address on it then looked at his mail box. 'Yup, this is the place. 123 Four Five Street. She looked down at herself. 'Oh man, this will definantly not do.' She said as she snapped her fingers and changed the color of herself. She was now a lovely blond young lady with a white toga and black sandals. 'There! Much better.' And with that she walked to his front door.

'HERC! Get the door!' Was all Megara could say as she heard a repeating 'DING DONG' coming from the front of the villa. 'Kinda busy Meg!' Herc said as he walked in, holding a large statue. 'I'm late. Gotta take this thing to Thebes before 5.' Meg just put her hands on her hips and sighed in agrivation as he walked out the back door. She got up and walked to the door. 'Yea I'm comin'!' She said as she turned the doorknob and opened the large door. The two eyes met and both their jaws dropped. Meg's eyes turned blood red and there was only one word she could say... 'YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Dromey just grinned a sly grin and made herself comfortable on a cosy chair next to the door. She pulled out a long flower in a vase next to the chair and took a long wiff of it. "Well, well, well." She said. "Meg. Dear sweet Megara. It's been a long time.." She said as Megara crossed her arms. "Not long enough I think." She said as she glared at the blond woman. Andromeda stood up and took a look around the villa. "Hmm.... nice place. Did ol' Herc get himself a new servant. I always told you that you were going places Meg! And look at all this! I bet he lets you have theleftovers after he eats. Most servants don't get even that much." She patted Meg on the back. Meg's fists were clenched and her teeth were grinding together. Dromey looked surprised. "MEG! Don't do that! You know how much that annoys me!" "That's why I'm doing it, Andromeda.." She stated as Dromey sat down again.

Meg was able to calm herself down for a second. Dromey just grinned and put her hands on her hips. Meg gave her a fake grin. "Well, Dromey, it just so happens me and Hercules are married so HA!" Dromey clenched her heart as if in shock. "No!" She said startled as she let out a devilish chuckle. "Well finally you found some guy that could STAND you for more then a week! Danielus sure a heck couldn't." That did it. Meg was about to explode but even the sound of that name made her wanna go hurt someone, namely him. She turned to Dromey until they were nose to nose. That grin on the nymphs face was too much for Meg to take. She pointed a finger at her and somewhat shoved her in the shoulder. "If I recall it right, DROMEY, Danielus and I were very much in love until you brought your trampy self into the picture!" Dromey looked up for a second, trying to contain her laughter.

"Meg baby, do you have your men crossed!" She exclaimed. "I didn't do anything but walk past you two and I couldn't get the poor dolt off me." She pulled out a nail file. "Its a gift, what can I say." Dromey breathed deep. "But as for poor Danielus, he didn't last a week when WE were together. The poor guy fell into this dreadful pit by the swamp." She thought for a second. "I wonder if it had anything to do with that little SHOVE I gave him!?HAHA!" Dromey was seriously enjoying this but Meg on the other hand was about to hurt her, ALOT!

"Get out of my house before I knock ya to kingdom come and beyond!" Meg threatened as Dromey twirled a bit of blond hair around her small thin finger. "Is that a threat, or just another way of saying you don't want me around?" She said with a chuckle.

Hades watched the two arguing females through his crystal. He slapped his hands on his forhead. "My god! She's not going along with the plan!" He thought for a second. "But that was awefully devilish of her to swap Meg's guy. Hehe. I'll have to give her that." And with that he poofed away in a poof of smoke.

Dromey circled Meg, who was just about to slug her when a ringing of a phone was heard over by the wall. They both turned around to see a blue phone ringing like crazy. Dromey knew who it was so she picked up the reciever on the thing and talked into it. "Hades, hun." She said quietly. "The phone won't be invented for another few hundred CENTURIES!" "Listen, Dromey, hunny buns, sweety lumps," He said calmly. "I don't think torturing NutMeg is part of our little plan, if you know what I mean!" He said a little bit louder. Dromey giggled. "But it's just so much fun!" She said loud enough to have Meg hear her. "Listen Hades, I got another plan up my sleave even better then yours and-" Hades interrupted. "We'll stick to the origonal plan bubba." He said as Dromey began making funny noises into the phone and she began to yell. "WHAT HADES!!?? *sshshshshshshsh* I CA- *SSHSHSHHSHSHS* HEAR YOU! SOMETHIN'S WRONG WITH THE CONNE *sshshshshshshhs* ION! GOTTA GO!!" She said as she slammed down the reciever. "Hehe, I'm bad." She said with a chuckle.

With the click of the Hades "phone", the nymph was back to her main goal in life, to make Meg's life miserable. Meg, by this time, was attempting to sneak out the back. Apparently Andromeda intimidated her a bit, probubly cause she was just plain better! ;) Dromey just chuckled and disapeared in a poof of smoke and reapeared infront of Hercs main squeese. "Going somewhere NutMeg?" Megara looked up and smirked.

"So thats what you've been up to. Wasting your time with that lunkhead Hades, huh?!"

"LUNKHEAD!??!" Was all Hades could say as he watched the two females.

"Your absolutley right! Give this girl a prize!!" She said as she snapped her fingers and a big package appeared in Meg's hands. Meg just tossed the thing aside and shook her head. "You're gonna regret it!" She said. "That guy only uses people! Forces them to do what HE wants!" Dromey and Hades looked up at the same time and thought for a moment.

"You know, I don't really care. He's helping me out. Gonna make me a full fledged god doncha know." Andromeda smirked. Megara groaned in agrivation.

"You nymphs think you can trot around and do whatever the heck you want don't you!? Well I don't know what you want from me this time but whatever it is, you're gonna have a hard time getting to it missy!" Andromeda yawned out of bordom. By this time she was filing her long red nail and humming a tune. She looked up.

"Oh, did you say something dear?" She asked and Meg, with a wave of her hands stormed out of the room.

Dromey smirked but as soon as she got up, she heard a fuzzy recording like voice. Over on Megs table poofed a blue foggy walky -talky thingy.

"Big daddy to Little Cupcake! Come in Cupcake!" the mechanisnm shreaked as Dromey picked it up and spoke into it.

"Little Cupcake recieving. what can I do for you now boss?" She asked as a slight chuckle was heard form the other end.

"Well,lemme see. Oh, I dunno, Maybe, naaa.. No, it's a stupid idea.."

"No! Tell me, what is it?" she asked out of curiosity.

"Well, ok. I was kinda wondering.. if you would please DO WHAT I TOLD YOU TO DO IN THE FIRSTPLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dromey dropped the machine quickly but the voice was loud enough for her to hear either way. "NOW GET YOUR TINY LITTLE REAR IN GEAR AND FIND JERKULES!!" the nymph crossed her arms and relunctantly left to find the 'hero.'