Welcome to the

(Bad food in Large Quantities!)

As quite possibly the most 'together' person in this humble Academy, I thought it proper for me to introduce you to this little place called the Cafeterium. Yes, I remember when I showed Herc this little place the day we met. *sigh* Those were the days my friend. Although the Cafeterium roof did fall on him soon after, HECK, I wouldn't worry about it folks! Not unless you all are supersticious, mind you. Then I guess it would be good to run in bloody terror from me now if you want to save your little life. HEY! Where are you going!? I WAS ONLY KIDDING! COME ON GUYS!

Well enough chit chat, I- .. OH WHO AM I KIDDING! CHAT ALL YOU WANT! WHAT'S THE CAFETERIUM FOR ANYWAY? Eating?!?! Heck no! This is a little place we students like to use to just rellaaax, and talk about common interrests like belly button lint and stuff! So come on in and chat with us fine folks! Have a seat! Have some goats milk! Have a grape! OK! I'VE HAD IT! WHO THREW THAT  PITA!!

Whats on your mind?!

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