Dromey's Place
Here we are! Andromeda's home sweet home. Now before we figure out how me and Dromey got hooked up together let's take a sneek peek at her stats....
Name: Andromeda
Age: Who knows! She's immortal so who gives a toot!
Height: 5'9" (6"taller if you include the puffy bangs)
Weight: NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS!! (Well, that's all she would say when I asked her!)
Ok, as for how we met.... Here's my side of the story......
I was all depressed, having, you know, lost my reputation as the great guy I really am. I'm pretty much kicked out of Olympus and my little NutMeg was gone. So I had taken the form of an old dog an went wandering around Thebes hoping maybe if I was lucky, I could find a replacement for Meg. You know, halfway decent henchwomen are hard to find. Sniffing through the garbage I saw a woman walking down the street. She was the only one there and I found it rather interresting that she had a slight blue glow around her so I desided to investigate.
When I went up to her she was whistling some really tacky sounding song and when she saw me, she just gave me a rough pat on my head and she continued on her way, leaving me with a slight headache and an agrivated attitude. Right then and there I said to myself "SHE'S PERFECT!" So I did my cool whirly thingy and went to my true form and scared the CRAP outta her! (I seriously didn't mean to, it was an accident!) When she saw who I was she said something like "Oh, it's just you.." or something along those lines and walked off. I remember scratching my head in confusion, thinking, "Oh boy! Does she ever remind me of Meg!" So I got more excited and poofed up infront of her and made her a deal. That's one of my better qualities you know..
At first she didn't seem at all interrested but when I mentioned that Dental Plan, she was all for it! So we shook hands, and her soul was mine! At least, that's what I thought! I tried to get her soul, but I couldn't!! I got real frustrated and she just chuckled and said, "Ha! Hades you should know that you can't take an immortals soul!" I about slapped myself when I realised that she was immortal! Half god to be exact! Daughter of Hermes and some mymph chick, I can't remember her name. But I didn't care, she seemed willing to work on my said. She said she had nothing better to do anyway and that was good enough for yours truly and that was that! Been workin' for me ever since and does a "hell" of a better job then those two chumps Pain and Panic! But that's another story....
Well, I think that's enough of that! I'd better be on my way! See ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!!