Rabbi Suskin's photo

What are lifecycle events? Although most people consider a lifecycle event to be a wedding or a funeral, perhaps the marking of a child reaching the age of bar and bat mitzvah, lifecycle events come into our lives constantly, marking our growth, our learning, our milestones, our joys and our sorrows.
Rabbi Suskin has been priveleged to be a part of many of the special moments of peoples' lives, those that we commonly think of to seek out a community and a rabbi for guidance, becoming part of the lives of her students for conversion, of infants (together with their parents) teens and adults, britot milah and smachot bat, bnei and banot mitzvah, weddings and commitment ceremonies, and funerals. But there are many other times in our lives that are part of our lifecycle, and she has celebrated many liminal, transitional moments with individuals and families.
Rabbi Suskin hopes that part of bringing families and individuals through these moments helps them recognise and grow in their knowledge of many more celebratory -and sometimes sad- moments in their lives, through taking time to be present in, to learn and study about the Jewish perspective on, and to mark with solemnity, or joy, such moments

A non-exhaustive list of examples:

  • menarche
  • menopause
  • divorce
  • survival of trauma
  • birth of one's first child/peter rechem
  • pidyon haben
  • leaving for college (from both the youth's and the parent's perspectives)
  • first job
  • retirement
All Jews have the capacity to make the connection to the Holy within themselves. She has had the privelege of assisting those who wish to find the tools to carve out their own spiritual discipline through the traditions and laws of our people. She is committed to bringing spiritual and communal transformation and a path toward justice through the tradition to all Jews.

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