I also contribute to:
Radical Torah
My Jewish Learning
You also need to know about:
My chevruta, Rabbi Barry Leff's website
My chavera at Jerusalem Syndrome, Rabbi-to-be Danya Ruttenberg

Ziegler rabbinical students (ca. 1998-2003)
Ordination photo (ca. May 2003). Dig the hat?
A slightly more recent photo

Jewish resources on the Web:

Responses to Missionaries

Jews for Judaism
Also Truth


JOFA The Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance


Derech Chaim
Rabbi Abraham Ben Samuel Zacuto
Gates of Reincarnation
The prayer before praying by Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk

Developing at just the right pace,
but not quite done yet


The Conversion to Judaism Page
Quick! It's Shabbat and your 2 year-old just upset the goldfish bowl. What can you do about it?
Well, you can't look it up on this page, because your computer is turned off. But for non-Shabbat halacha crises, here are useful pages:
Hypertext Halacha which is part of Project Genesis.

Other places to learn online:

Project Genesis

Or Off-line:

American Jewish University (Formerly The University of Judaism)
Jewish Theological Seminary

Israel links:

Maven, which are Jewish-Israel links.
The Knesset
Masorti This is Conservative (i.e. halachic non-Orthodox, or, if you prefer, traditional) Judaism in Israel.

Want to be a rabbi?

This is what the Occupational Outlook Handbook of the US Gov't. has to say about your chances of making a living.


The Jewish Food Archives
