B.A., Economics, The Johns Hopkins University.
IEF "Bootcamp", a 5-week training program administered by Texas Instruments designed to teach Information Engineering and the IEF CASE tool.
Passed the Certified Information Systems Auditor Examination administered by the EDP Auditors Association.
Also performed a variety of statistical planning and financial modeling. He has expertise with both DEC and IBM hardware.
Duke University, Fuqua School of Business: Programmer/Analyst, 1983 to 1984.
The Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health: Programmer/Analyst, 1981 to 1982.
Served as an Oracle DBA in support of a major systems integration effort. The Oracle databases were used to support the systems component roll-out and costing.
Served as a DBA during a major DB2 systems development engagement. Tasks included logical database design and creation, maintenance, and migration of DB2 objects.
Installed the mainframe component of the Bachman re-engineering tool, and extracted information from the DB2 catalog.
Performed a logical and physical (DB2) design of a database to support a continuing education tracking system.
Developed a data processing test facility to facilitate testing of changes to a membership system tracking four million members in an IBM DOS/VSE environment. Tasks included documentation of the major program in the system, design of a test database and validation suite and design, coding, testing, and documentation of a set of differences programs. The differences programs, written in VS COBOL with DATACOM/DB calls, produced a formatted listing of differences between the before and after-images of the test database.
Developed a system, using a database approach, to manage a number of concurrent projects.
Performed Business System Design, Technical Design and Construction for the Florida Department of Transportation General Ledger Interface Business System following the Information Engineering Methodology using the IEF CASE tool. Tasks included:
Acted as a facilitator and coach to the Project Management of a team building an Inventory management system for a major telecommunications carrier. The team was following the Information Engineering Methodology using the IEF CASE tool.
Assisted a mid-sized petroleum company develop an Exception Time Reporting System using RAD techniques. This system interfaced to the MSA payroll system.
Developed Conceptual and Logical Data Models for a major Telecommunications firm. The focus of the effort was Traffic. The models were maintained in IEW.
Developed a Conceptual Data Model in IEF to support a Claims Information System.
Reviewed a Logical Data Model prepared by a major Aerospace concern. The focus of the effort was Configuration Management.
Acted as a TELON administrator during CICS DB2 and IMS/DB/DC systems development engagements.
Assisted a major investor-owned public utility develop a work management system using Pansophic's TELON in an IBM MVS CICS, PL/I DB2 environment.
Developed a prototype of a Bulletin Board Service using Pansophic's TELON in an IBM MVS environment.
Developed a Table Management subsystem and re-engineered a portion of the Coverages subsystem of a Group Retirement and Disability system using Pansophic's TELON in an IBM IMS/DB MVS COBOL and both CICS and IMS/DC environments.
Installed Pansophic's TELON in an IBM CICS COBOL DB2 environment.
Performed quality control reviews and assisted the Singapore Housing Development Board implement a Customer Information System. The system was developed using Pansophic's TELON in an IBM CICS/DB2 COBOL environment.
Developed an E-Business Curriculum for a global business unit of 60,000 staff.
Taught a three-week DB2 class. Topics included Data Modeling, DDL, DML, DB2I, QMF, using embedded SQL, DB2 standards and Referential Integrity. The class format included lectures, interactive SQL exercises and the development of CICS/DB2 COBOL programs.
Developed training material and taught numerous courses in On-Line and Batch TELON development and prototyping.
Developed training materials for PeopleSoft Partner and implementation methodology training programs.
Taught a Big 6 Systems Development Life Cycle Methodology emphasizing the use of ProKit*WORKBENCH to assist in data and process analysis and design.
Taught FORTRAN and OS/JCL classes.
Managed the development of the new primary Internet web site for a major consultancy. In addition to managing the project, was primary reviewer of:
Acted as System Administrator for the SAP Global Training Center for a Big Six Accounting Firm. Prepared and tracked multi-million dollar capital and operating budgets. Managed Technical Staff responsible for 6 SMP Unix servers and over 200 PCs as well as managing the instructors for Technical Courses, such as: Internet Topics, SAP Systems Administration and EDI. Responsible for developing a "Virtual University", which provides SAP instruction via CBT and Threaded Discussions on the World Wide Web (WWW), hosted on an Intranet or over the Internet.
Assisted an Electric Utility develop two implementation plans. One was for an integrated Financial Information System; the other was for a Work Management Information System. A business case was presented, including an examination of the competitive environment contrasted with the current environment, the costs of doing nothing, and objectives and qualitative benefits. Several vendor products and implementation schedules were examined and costed. Quantitative benefits were compared to implementation costs and a payback calculation was made. Additionally, sample RFP guidelines, a vendor demonstration script, and vendor evaluation criteria were developed.
Developed a Systems Development Methodology for Leveraged Software for a Big 6 Consulting Firm's Public Utility Group. Developed to the Stage, Phase, and Task level, this methodology detailed a work breakdown structure for the tasks required to customize the three-tier Service/2000 product for various clients. Organizational and Technical Infrastructure issues were addressed.
Assisted a major credit card issuer conduct an Information Systems Effectiveness Review. The review focused on Data Center Operations supporting retailer and card holder processing. Roles and responsibilities, observations, issues, and recommendations for improvement were developed, documented, and presented to top management.
Assisted a major retailer in the development of a Strategic Information Systems Plan. The planning effort focused on core retailing operations and their applications support. Opportunities for improvement were developed, documented, and presented to top management.
Performed a third-party review of Securities Accounting and Reporting development effort. The scope of the review included the extent to which requirements were fulfilled, the system design and development methodology, and project management and control. The development effort was undertaken by an international bank using the IEF and the MAXIMIS product.
Assisted an international financing organization in the analysis and selection of strategic systems development and operations platforms. Primary targets of the investigation included hardware and DBMS, CASE, and applications software. The entire entity's future strategic systems would be developed and operated in compliance with the platforms selected.
Assisted a major regional commercial bank analyze alternative development strategies for the design and implementation of a profitability analysis system to be used for management reporting.
Analyzed performance of a large data processing department's systems development efforts relative to budget and schedule.
Monitored, in a DEC VAX environment, a Data Processing Department's efforts to comply with user requests for applications programming. Specific items monitored were timeliness and accuracy of deliverable reports, programs, and documentation.
Served as manager of the technical staff supporting a team of 85 developers on a three-tier client-server engagement. The technical team consisted of Sybase and DB2 DBAs, Workstation Configuration Technicians, Network Architects, AIX Performance Experts, Stress Testers, Imaging Experts, and PowerBuilder Experts. Tasks included the development and maintenance of workplans, quality review of the Data Model and Physical Database Design, Stress Test Design, Issue Identification and Resolution, Selection of reporting tools for ad hoc and canned reports, and ensuring that the Technical Team meets the needs of the Developers.
Acted as the Technical Manager to support a Walker Financials Package implementation in a DB2 CICS environment. Technical resources included DBAs, System Administrators, and CICS Systems Programmers. The Technical Support staff served over 100 Applications Developers enhancing and implementing the MBA, AM, PMP, and PCM subsystems.
Researched the quality of a systems development effort to support expert witness testimony in a matter under litigation.
Designed and implemented the DEC VAX portion of an ASK software (including manufacturing, order management, and field service systems) interface to IBM MVS financial systems. The detailed design document included functional processing flow diagrams, screen and report definitions, file layouts, and transaction definitions. Implementation deliverables included program specifications, VAX FORTRAN/CODASYL DBMS source code, unit and system test plans and their execution and documentation of the results, and user, operator, and technical documentation.
Participated in the detailed design of ARIRS, a large applications system, for the Maryland Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Administration. Deliverables included functional processing flow diagrams, IPO diagrams, screen and report definitions, file layouts, and transaction definitions.
Participated in the implementation of ARIRS, a large applications system, for the Maryland Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Administration. Deliverables included program specifications, Sperry UTS 4000 COBOL source code, unit test plans and their execution with documentation of the results, and user and technical documentation for the on-line data collection subsystem.
Developed, maintained, and documented a series of utility programs written in PL/I for a VAX/VMS environment.
Developed overall documentation for a four man-year project.
Developed an automated screen and report layout design facility and a project status monitoring capability to facilitate oversight of a large system development effort.
Developed, documented, and maintained an operations research/management science package written in BASIC for the IBM PC. The package included such functions as linear programming, ordinary least squares, critical path, shortest route, maximum flow, and transportation algorithms.
Developed a variety of file manipulation and statistical programs for sequential data sets in FORTRAN and in PL/I in the MVS (using SPF and TSO) and CMS environments.
Developed simulations of hospital emergency rooms and sealed bidding algorithms in APL on a DEC-10 and on IBM PC's.
Performed statistical analysis of a major personnel study at the host (HP 3000) using IDA, on IBM PC's using LOTUS 1-2-3, and on SAS in a MVS environment.
Performed wide variety of modeling in LOTUS 1-2-3 and Symphony.
Conducted mathematical verifications of financial calculations used to establish the savings potential of government sponsored revenue refunding bonds.
Performed a financial analysis of the racetracks in the State of Maryland using cross-sectional and time series analysis.
Developed a two-year, $20 million litigation support budget, and designed a project tracking system to monitor performance relative to budget.
Evaluated responses to $10 million proposal.
Developed, using LOTUS 1-2-3, financial summaries which presented on a consistent basis historical and projected financial data. The historical and forecast data were keyed into separate user-friendly input screens by data entry personnel, and the input was recast to provide a basis for comparability. Presentation reports and graphs were generated automatically.
Ported a financial forecasting package from one VAX site to another. Components of the package included DCL command files, VAX COBOL forecasting programs, VAX PL/I front-end programs and SPSSx summary and reporting programs.
Coordinated remote transmission of branch financial forecasts developed on IBM PC's to a VAX at headquarters and their subsequent consolidation. The process involved a LOTUS 1-2-3 model, the KERMIT file transfer protocol, DCL command files on the host, macros and batch files on the PC, and a VAX COBOL consolidation program.
Conducted a general controls review for a large industrial firm whose financial applications are under MVS/XA. Deliverables included an overview of the data processing function, plans and results for testing general controls and a recommendation letter addressed to management.
Conducted a general controls review for a major federal government contractor in a DEC VAX environment. Deliverables included an overview of the data processing function and a recommendation letter addressed to management.
Speaker, 1992 Florida Government Technology Conference. Topic: Ensuring Quality in Database Management and Administration.
Speaker, 1998 Designing a Virtual Corporate University. Topic: Internet/Intranet Technical Architecture.
Speaker, 1998 Implementing & Managing A CORPORATE VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY. Topic: Internet/Intranet Technical Architecture.
Speaker, 1998 ASTD Technical Training Conference & Exposition. Topic: Internet/Intranet Technical Architecture.
Speaker, 1998 Learning Technology Conference & Expo - Fall 98. Topic: Employing Technology for Global Learning.
Speaker, 1999 Training 99. Topic: Internet/Intranet Technical Architecture.
Speaker, 1999 Philadelphia Area New Media Association (PANMA). Topic: David vs. Goliath -- who'll win out in e-Business?
Published: Data Management Review, October 1995, "Client/Server Application Development Project Team".
Published: Data Management Review, September 1996, "Stress Testing the Client/Server Application".
Acknowledged: Enterprise-Wide Software Solutions: Integration Strategies and Practices, by Sergio Lozinsky, Addison-Wesley, 1998, ISBN: 0201309718.
Acknowledged: e-Business Readiness: A Customer-Focused Framework, by James Craig, Dawn Jutla, Mary O'Brien (Editor), Addison-Wesley, 2000, ISBN: 0201710064.
Cited: Universidade Virtual, Aulas de SAP na Web, by Jorge Nascimento Rodrigues.
Quoted: Computer Reseller News, in "E-Commerce: A Bright Spot For Sales Growth" by John Roberts.
Featured in: PhillyTech, June 2000.