Schloß Von Springer Great Hall

The Family Gathers 'round The Roaring Fireplace!

Gathered together this night are: Ron Sr., Judy, Ron Jr., Sharon, Joshua, Rebekah, Marc, Desiree, Renee, Daniel, and Megan - along with vassals, squires, pages, ladies-in-waiting, scullery maids,serfs, varls, and other assorted hangers-on and lackeys.

We all invite you to come back as often as you like to see the progress we've made. So grab a turkey leg, a mug of ale and a wench if you so desire, and join the festivities!

The drawbridge is always lowered for our friends!

Schloß Von Springer, like any good castle, has many rooms. Naturally, each family member has a room. But there are also rooms for other people, places and things. If you want to visit one or more of these rooms, just click on the red or blue colored word representing that in which you are interested. You may always return here by clicking your "back" button.

Lord and Lady of this castle and its co-rulers are Ron Seniorand Judy.Their older son Ron Juniorand his wife Sharon have joined us for the evening. Also joining us is our second son Marcand his wife Desiree. Our daughter Renee was recently discharged from the US Navy. Despite having made Petty Officer Second Class, the separation from her children was just too much. She's currently living at home, driving a bus for the City of Scottsdale (I told her that skill she learned would come in handy), going to school for a certificate in accounting, and generally being very busy. She also joined the Naval Reserve, is part of a Seabee unit, where she's learning to be a heavy equipment operator. Pretty remarkable if you know Renee; but since they had her driving a bus while she was on active duty, so why not? She now has a new page which more closely reflects her "civilian" interests.

The absolute light of our lives are our grandchildren. Joshua , Ron and Sharon's son is the oldest. Following him closely in age is Daniel, who is Renee's little boy. The two boys are great pals!

We were then blessed with two grand daughters, also similar in age. Megan who is Renee's daughter was born in November, 1996, and Rebekah, Ron and Sharon's daughter was born in February, 1997.

For the enjoyment of our grandchildren and their friends, we've even constructed a special playroom with all sorts of fun and games. Why don't you join them there!

Our clan has been to many places. Probably the biggest highlight was our four years in Europe not to mention Judy's love affair with Hawaii. During the Vietnam era, Ron Senior spent a year in Thailand

For several years, the attention of Ron Sr., Ron Jr., and Marc was focused on the Mavericks Junior Rifle Club.

To round out our list of rooms, we've assembled a number of historical characters. It's a rather odd group: Leading off is Winston Churchill. Joining him is a contemporary, Adolf Hitler. Reaching back a little further in time we have Socrates as well as another favorite, Admiral Lord Nelson

Our family is proud of ourGerman heritage.

If you're interested in what kind of books we like, you may go to the castle library.

As we all know (or at least I hope we all know), Schloß Von Springer is an imaginary place. We've put together however, a page about real castles.

We've set up a special holiday page, for Christmas.

Finally, we come to the place where we must wish you farewell. We hope you enjoyed your tour, and will come back soon to check on any changes. Please E-mail us with your impressions, sign one of our guestbooks, or otherwise let us know you've been here. Good bye for now!

urs is a large and complicated site containing many pages. Navigation can be a little difficult. To make things somewhat easier for our visitors, we've created a site map listing all the pages (seventy or so). To see that map, click on the icon below. You can always return here using your "back" button. We hope you will sign a guestbook or two along the way so we know you've been here. Also, we appreciate constructive criticism; so if you see anything you don't like, think we could do better, etc., we'd appreciate knowing about it.

A couple of notes:

1. The map page is not complete. For technical reasons, I had to change the method by which I constructed the page. I'm working on it however.

2. On many of our pages there is music. Some of it will start automatically when you enter a page, some you have to start yourself. Most of it is classical music. If you get tired of listening to it, you can always turn it off. To hear the music, look for one of the following symbols at the top of the page.

3. Thank you for your indulgence.

Judy and Ron are very proud parents and grandparents. We've assembled a gallery of family pictures. It's nowhere's near complete, and probably never will be. But if you want to see some pictures of the Springer family, click here.

We also have one group picture (it's not always easy to get all of us together at one time). If you'd like to see it, click on the bar below, then hit your "back" button to return here.

We finally (15 June, 1998) got a couple of NEW family pictures. One is of the whole family, the other of just the grandchildren. Ron Sr. bet Judy that the grandkids wouldn't hold still long enough (he lost)! To see the clan, click on the banner below.

If you would like to see some old pictures of prior generations of the Springer family, click on the banner below.

Some Web Sites of interest to family members are listed above. To go to them, click on the name. Please feel free to sign any guestbooks you see along the way.

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© 1998 Schloß Von Springer

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