The Kingdom of Sweden. 1997
Revised Summer 1998
I met  some Vikings in Stockholm. 1998 summer



click on the  photos above


W Gdańsku na Starówce w czasie Jarmarku DominikańskiegoGdańsk Downtown during the Dominican MarketPrzy dzwiękach muzykiThe knite from the pastNa ulicy Długiej w GdańskuGdańska Gotycka Katedra

From Gdańsk, we traveled by little Fiat driven by Pani Cytrynka to the Peninsula, called HEL and the city Hel on the end of  it.  We went to the beach but I could not swim  water was too cold. But the tourists and the locals were swimming. 


Latarnia Morska  w Helu

 Wytowno Beach

From the Peninsula where we spent     some time on the beach, and visiting city of Hel,  than  we went to  another coastal city  Łeba and from there to Lębork and Słupsk,  Ustka.   Few days we spent in the village of Wytowno  which has the most beautiful wild beaches of the  Baltic.  On the beach I met STASIA, who was my classmate from the first grade up to the seventh. Today she is an important lady,  a professor at the local school.

Dzika Plaża w WytowniePeace, of the sea. coldness and bautyGałązkę wrzosu do dalekiego kraju z Polski,  w liście przysłała mi Matka


FRANCE 1998 
See some pictures taken by me during the Parisian trip wich was taken from Krakow Poland to Paris for seven days. 


1998 France France 1998

France 1998


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