I wish I could be more proud of being an Israeli,
but lately this is a cause for more shame than pride.
The Zionist movement has achieved much in the past 100 years,
but increasingly, at the expense of others.
Mainly the Palestinians.
From a movement intended to provide a shelter for persecuted Jews,
we have turned into the neighborhood bully.
It took us only 50 years to cross the lines.
To become a brutal, oppressive nation.
It is amazing, however, that we still succeed in maintaining the image
of the victim.
The author Shabtai Teveth wrote a fascinating book called:
"Ben Gurion and the Palestinians Arabs". In it, Teveth describes this journey
in detail.

The Palestinian people must have their state.
It is a pure Israeli interest to end the occupation immediately.
It is also an Israeli interest to have a reasonably democratic neighbor.
(Speaking of Democracy, are we really a democratic state?)
So we should not make the stupid effort to turn Arrafat into our policeman.
Jerusalem must be the Capital of both Israeli and Palestinian States and should have a special international status.
Israel should give up the U.S civil foreign aid, and suggest it be transferred to
Palestine, to help build their young state.
Contrary to popular belief, the leaner we are - the stronger.

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