Ken and Valerie Greenfield

A Bit About Us

Ken and Valerie Greenfield have lived on the edenic North Oregon Coast for over twenty-five years, and they feel grateful for this each and every day. Ken is a longtime language arts and communications teacher and a diehard New York Yankees fan who waited eighteen long years for a World Championship. Ken also worked with juveniles in a correctional setting, Camp Tillamook, for over 23 years. He is also an ardent James Joyce admirer, and the fact that Ken and Val were married on June 16 is no coincidence. Valerie is a teacher, tutor, and Merriwoman.

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This page is just a beginning to activate our new home on As our prowess at this endeavor matures, look for interesting links and commentary.

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Interesting Links

Some Poems
The Grunfeld Family
The Grunfeld Family Reunion
Softservians at Virgil's
Softservians at Mantle's
Yankee Fanatics at Safeco Field
Kagey's Yankee Page
Valerie's Home on the Internet
Mr. Barry Crimmins
The Newspaper "Box"
The World Champion New York Yankees
Get Your Own Free Home Page
ICQ: Internet Pager, Message, and Chat Program
Merriwomen of Tillamook 1999
Art Space: Finest Food in Tillamook County!
Von Grubers Acres
Bamboo Guy

This is an early attempt to become familiar with the wonderful world of HTML. Please check for enhancements in the future! We heartily recommend the ICQ program for those who want to keep in easy touch across the miles!

If you have comments or suggestions, email us at