In order to reveal the knowledge in a logical manner, I employed the following scheme:
The four primary hypotheses will be found to describe a fundamental pattern or cycle in the Universe. This pattern will be called a "Formula" in the sense that all events are mere substitutions into this "four variable equation in the sky." It
will be hypothesized that all things and events are guided by this "Cycle." The testing of this hypothesis will also occur in Chapters 3 & 4.
Lastly, it will be claimed that the "Four Fold Formula" seems to have a highest singular pattern that it obeys. The fundamental cycle in the Universe will be found to have purpose. The highest patterns of Ananke will be complete. A hierarchy of patterns will be found to exist. Mysteriously, these patterns will reveal a direction of flow. It will become apparent that we can go with the flow of this Ananke or against it. The ramifications to this theory will be investigated and its usage will be discussed.
In the case of particles, going against the flow delivers opposing cohesive forces. In the case of people, going against the flow delivers mental and/or physical pain in the long-run. On the other hand, particles going with the flow expend the least amount of energy. It is the path of least resistance. For people, going with the flow delivers the least amount of pain and the highest state of enduring happiness.
Using the conclusions that are reached in Chapters 1-4 along with logical analysis, we will attempt to speculate on the questions of spirit, soul, God, purpose and afterlife. Although this
chapter will be based on very little evidence, it will be necessary to discuss these issues in order to make the concept a viable and integrated comprehension.
Since "The Philosophy of the Ananke" is meant to be an evolving document, I planned for an "Update Section" which would contain revisions or amplifications to the original thought. All of the inclusions relate to one of the six chapters that are revealed in the following pages. For example, a comparative analysis with the British Philosopher/Scientist, Herbert Spencer, is included for your pleasure and relates to Chapter 1. A special update on "Ananke & The Pursuit of Happiness" is presented as well towards the end of the book (This relates to Chapter 3). Other updates will be written as my spirit & mind dictate.
In conclusion, the philosophy of Ananke is not finalized in the absolute sense. All views that are expressed are at most well tested hypotheses. New evidence and factual data may contradict some of the speculation contained within at some future point in time. At that time the concepts should be revised, modified or destroyed. The factual real world must be explained by a proper philosophy. Contradictions necessarily point to faults in the logic. Facts and scientific data are good, and should not be feared. They help us approach the "Truth."
As a final note, allow me to say that the usage of words like "man or he" are simply conventions that are used to reflect in actuality the concepts of man and women/he and she. I regret if I offend some of my readers by utilizing this technique. I hope that this usage does not take away from the intriguing concepts that are expressed.
May this book guide you as it has guided me. May it
deliver you to
higher states of happiness as it has done for me. May
it give you
purpose and direction. And most of all, may it give
you peace. Now,
sit back, relax and let your mind go into the world
of philosophic
speculation. Leave your cares behind. Forget your
troubles. Enjoy...