
This book was created in order to help the searching, questioning, thinking individual. Men and women of all ages that have ever pondered the question "Why?," should delve into the concepts expressed within. The questions that are addressed are given positive, definite answers. Some of the answers are based on abundant evidence while others are based on speculative logic. In either case, the reader is not left in a state of confusion, but instead is given clarity and direction. The answers that are revealed are complete, and describe a Cosmos that may exist in reality. I invite you, my audience, to read about the ancient Greek concept called ANANKE.

It should be mentioned that this concept of 3000 years ago was never elevated to an integrated philosophy. Nonetheless, the theory of Ananke was utilized by the ancient Greeks. The philosophic schools of thought were created by virtue of it. The Ionians and Eleatics, the early scientists, used its principles in order to describe more fully the world in which they lived. Plato and Aristotle assumed its existence and created systems of logic and spiritual thought. The concept of Ananke guided man's reason, but did not give the specific details to the specific questions that were posed. It was up to the great philosophers to analyze and describe the expressions of this Ananke as they appeared on earth as well as in the heavens above.

From my earliest exposure to this concept, I was intrigued. Could I use its principles to describe a new philosophy? Could I find a way of thought that synthesized religion with science? Could there be a way to view the Cosmos with the least amount of faith and the most amount of evidence? Could this system of thought deliver the "answers" and not leave us dry or wanting?

After fifteen years of research, experimentation and contemplation, I found a tentative solution. Within this book, the ideas of a new innovative Cosmology are organized into a cohesive whole. I call this system of thought, "The Philosophy of Ananke."

The Problem

At an early age, I began to question the religion which I inherited. Being scientific in nature and extremely logical, I naturally questioned the beliefs based on the scientific facts that were available: "If all the plants and creatures always existed then where were the dinosaurs today? Why do layered rocks reveal extinct creatures when all was supposedly created by God spontaneously? Why did science claim that the earth was billions of years old when the bible claimed a mere six thousand? If the bible was not accurate then how could I trust the remaining claims on faith alone?"

If my inherited religion could not be obeyed then how should I live my life? Should I react by my impulses and short term preferences? Should I pursue the almighty dollar? Should I be satisfied with food, shelter, clothing and at the end of it all, death?

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What is death? Do we die, forever? What is the purpose of life? Is there a purpose to life? I am aware that I exist, but do I have a soul? Does a soul exist? What is a soul and what are its properties? If soul exists then is there a God? Where is this God? What is this God? Why does it exist, if it exists? How can we communicate to it? Does God have a purpose? Why did God create this world? Why did God create man? What possible purpose could there be to the misery on earth? If there is a purpose then how do we get there? What is our goal in life? What is the proper way to behave in order to achieve this goal? Why do we exist at all?

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