Concepts within Imagery
Cross-cultural imagery includes horses equating to women (usually as sexual partners, explained shortly.) Relate that to the four horsemen [a married man] of the Apocalypse and Zechariah. How should we relate to the horsemen? Many people are not aware that the fourth horseman is green (in Greek, cloros), not pale (as the translators knew of no green horses and so instead of being faithful to the words changed them, to suit their limited perceptions, to the color of real horses. The fact it was analogy was irrelevant to them, as they had no clue what it implied. Several other similar failures of translation exist.) Now that you know it relates to a partner, would you consider the horse in that analogy is green in the sense of being new, young or inexperienced (never married)? The other three probably relate in terms of the skin or hair color and they are likely to have been the wives of one person "the rider". You may see them as partners or wives, at chronologically differing times in the life of "the rider". (He’ll probably be recognized during his lifetime by a sizable audience, unlike many prophets who get most of their recognition after they have gone such as Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce.) |
Dragons or the animals of prophecies are people or organizations. Other attributes need to be seen so we can know their actual identity. Human excrement is business/job. A literal image of a sexual act may indicate a figurative analogy to it which may literally or figuratively involve the person shown (or someone withtheir name or attributes. Often sexual dreams relating a future sexual reality have little or no direct sexual imagery yet it may be alluded to, to convey a needed caution. Teeth equate to family members in many cultures and languages. A footnote to the analogic identity of horses... I found much later after determining that analogy was the symbol for horse in Chinese is half the symbol for mother. It's pronounced similarly (homonym), just different in tone. The other half of the Chinese character is the symbol for woman. So then the combined characters horse-woman creates mother, ma. (One Chinese explanation is brutally realistic, woman gets married then works like a horse. A more vulgar comparison in English is the phonetic and anagramatic similarity to whores.) As for a dragon in Chinese, it's pronounced long, but so is the morning sun. A sky dragon, tien long, is a comet. A flying horse or dragon, tien ma, is also a comet. Every language in existence has a conceptual relationship to some or all of these concepts. Most people are unaware of their dreams’ connection to comparable concepts in the other languages. The number of analogies the religious give to the horseman are legion. Many convey it’s four men, rather than one man on four different horses. Most fail to identify the horses except by the events of the time (yet could have discovered it if they had looked into their dreams) and so the explanations they give are impaired and off course. The element of time is recognized by most of them and that his death occurs during the fourth "horse". To people who want everything shown to them instantly the idea of waiting while one person, the rider, goes through four partners would create impatience or lose them as they became bored with the slow progress. It also conveys the time period for the End Time, sudden as it is, is not all in "one hour" even if the disaster itself could be complete in that time literally. These uses of references are inaccurate yet relevant, quite unlike S.Freud’s use of references. His several quotes of scriptures to support his excessive and flakey theories were not relevant to the issues he believed he was proving. His apparent intentional misapplying of the quoted source appears to be designed to undermine or detract from the value of scriptures. Would it be unfair or too strongly stated to say the devil’s spawn fathered a pseudo science, considering the damage he's done? And what of the "angels/messengers" who still "worship his words", ie., the psychologists and psychiatrists who follow, teach and/or use them and infect others with their attitudes? Include those whose extensions of that falseness followed soon after, based at least in part on, those invalid theories. C. Jung was seriously infected by it and any truth within his teachings is negated by siding with Fraud to leave the Creator out of their work. They have disgraced themselves. Their power driven game of conning both academics and the less knowledgeable public with their deceptive theories is now being called in to review, and is given a terminal judgment. What they have published cannot be rewritten to posthumously include what they chose to exclude. See how many of their followers now have beliefs in something other than the Creator? Denying the Creator makes for infamy not greatness and shows only the arrogance of the individual. Excluding irrational arguments from religionaries in creating a science is possible and necessary, but not negating or discounting all associations with the Creator. That goes too far. Both Freud and Jung went too far. (The Creator put off edification of Jung in another way and yet for non-believers it’s "just a coincidence". A filmmaker was by the home of Jung considering doing a film on his life. A fast moving storm blew up. From it a bolt of lightning hit the pear tree Jung used to sit under when formulating his theories. The filmmaker was put off by this but not entirely. He came back a few years later and to his astonishment another storm quickly blew up and repeated the previous strike, this time destroying the tree. It seems he "got the message"… some concept! And just what is coincidence?) Real science is built on truth, facts and logic and supplemented with creativity from dreams and logical theories given to those who research constructively. Dreams are mentioned or alluded to in many of the Nobel Prize winners’ speeches. (Search dream and dreams on I suspect many winners were fearful of giving more than an oblique or passing reference to the fact they had gained creative insight through their dreams. Why? Because of the "black eye" and off-color connotations associated with Fraud’s teachings about dreams. The associated attitudes that pseudo science spawned has substantially injured 100 years of mankind’s creativity and connection to the Creator. |