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Tony's Book Page

Welcome to my page about reading in general. I've joined the associates programme as I've found them to be the best source for buying books online, at least in the UK - delivering to me quickest and cheapest. You can use their search engine through the graphic below (for author or title searches).

I've been doing quite a lot of reading, especially since early 1999. I thought that a good way to keep track of some of those books (and others I have read) and to collect some of my thoughts about them would be to write some short reviews. Hence my Book Choices page.Don't worry, I'm not a literary expert. I plan to make these reviews informative and entertaining. When I get quite a few done there should be quite a broad range, reflecting my wide range of interests in fiction and non-fiction. Maybe you'll see one you like the look of. If you do, you can link from the review directly to the right site to buy them!

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Some links to literary pages I've enjoyed:

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