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Welcome to Tony's Place

Tony at Athens

Why not find out about Elgin's marbles? Should we return them to Greece?

Hi, my name is Tony and I live in Newcastle upon Tyne in the North East of England, which makes me a Geordie. Among other things Newcastle is known for Newcastle Brown Ale (whose site includes some History on Newcastle), and football, especially Newcastle United Football Club.
Whilst online, apart from surfing and building up this site, I spend altogether too much time in Chatquiz playing trivia games. Be warned that Chatquiz is very addictive! It's also a good laugh. You can check out other MSN Triviots sites through the MSN trivia ring lower down this page. If you try a game or two then why not pop by the Chatquiz Embarassment Page to find out about some of the running jokes.

My Pages:

History Page
A page on the theme of History with some thoughts on the Millenium. Updated 11/2/2000.
Books Page
Now in association with Search their database for books and Cd's.Updated 11/2/99.
Book Recommendations
Linked directly to their purchase sites from Updated 8/2/00.
A page about the football team I play for. Updated 31/1/99.
a page about our walk along the wall in 1999.NEW - under construction

You are visitor to my virtual Athenian home.
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E-mail me with your comments on this site. This page was set up 7/5/97 and last updated 4/2/2001.

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