Welcome to Brian Collier's Homepage!

Welcome! My name is Brian Collier and I'm new to this Web-building business, but I hope to learn. My interests are mainly in the areas of Sociology and History and the links between them. To this end I'm doing a PhD at the University of Leeds, investigating the formation, activity, modification and dissolution of social collectivities in two English industrial towns in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. I teach both History and Sociology at a Further Education College in Bradford, England, plus a bit of IT. 

I aim to put on this site materials that I have written, or have acquired, that I hope will be of interest to others, useful links to other sociology and history sites, and some personal material, either for the amusement of friends or students.

The author in 
faux-existentialist pose
My interests and hobbies are: country walking, vegetarian cooking (and eating!), reading all kinds of literature (I'm especially fond of the poetry of William Blake), and much history and sociology. I like going to the theatre and cinema and socialising with my friends. I'm also active in my trade union: the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education (NATFHE).


A page of useful links both academic and of general interest
Here's the link to my personal history pages
Some of my academic writings over the last fifteen years or so

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