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The official reaction of the Holy Mount Athos that denounces the Schengen agreement
here in Hellenic
A translated condensed version
of the informative brochure of H.M. Stagon and Meteora-Hellas(Greece)
A more extensive versionalso exists.
The violation of principles and rights.
With the Schengen treaty citizens sovereign rights are being violated and abolished together with and it is an assault
against fundamental personal freedom.The Schengen agreement itself,in its spirit and substance,is illiberal,
antidemocratic and anticonstitutional.Specifically the Schengen agreement induces:
- Legalization of electronic filing with the institution and operation of specific information system (p.92-118)
- Reduction of the human factor,overlooking of the individuality and variety and also vitiation of the concept of
person andc onversion to a subject-object of information collecting.
- Abolition of the secrecy of the private life and the right of the person to insulation and anonymity with the
collecting and processing private character data.
- Abolition the right to free reformation of the personality since the constant ability to access personal data of a
person constrains the free will and its activation.
- Constrain of the ability to announce to the citizens the personal data that has been processed (p.109,114.2).
- Subversion of the innocence presumption.In case of incrimination of citizens it rests to their shoulders to prove
their innocence !(p.25,40,96,99).
- Cultivation of a climate of suspisiousness and incrimination of the citizens and even of their intentions !
- Cultivation of a climate of social racism by characterising the citizens and sorting them into catalogs of
non-wanted with subjective criteria (p.5,25).
- Violation of the regulation regarding granting asylum and protecting the refugees with ambiguous terms,violation
of the Geneve treaty (p.29-38).
- Assignment to the proper mediums(!)of the right to surveillance within the borders of a country without its prior
approval (p.40.1,2).
- Lack of limpidness and democratic control with the inefficient legal protection of the citizens.
- Contrast to the constitutions of the countries and to the international declaration of the human's rights.
- Creation of a national threat with the use and processing of data from third parties that its possible hostile
attitude against our country,now or in the future,can endanger the security and our teritorial integrity.In this
spirit is placed the bill regarding "the protection of the person from the processing of private data".It is a law
that only the protection of the Hellenic citizen doesn't assure.Its provisions are characterised of an intense
obscureness of principles and measures that are self-contradictory.A range of intentional legal leaks leave
unprotected the citizen,really compromised towards the control of the central control system.
The 3 markers-limit posts make the number 666.This is used in EAN-13,UPC and in the
new ID's that are going to arrive